Revenge of the Lizard King

From Yahoo News

Well, Odie, thats the weirdest thing I have read in ages…
Thanks for the grin!

I’ve heard that Mark Serlin reacts similarly around menstruating women.


that’s the weirdest thing you’ve read recently, kelli? The “exploding diaper” was weirder, I think.

Male iguanas are well known for their “response” to menstruating women. Any iguana owner should be prepared for this. They’re also known for being very protective of “their” females - in fact, my roommate’s ex had to be very careful about their (male) iguana. No PDA in front of the lizard.

This is why I’m profoundly glad that the current ig is female. Particularly since I’ve had to lizard-sit the last week. :smiley: Get your minds out of the gutter.

Oh, thank God.

I thought this thread was going to be about some sort of resurgence in Jim Morrison’s popularity. God forbid.

::snort:: Nah, even * I* won’t go there.

And I thought that this would mark the second coming of Dragon’s Lair. Damn!

Swiddles…(I may call you this, mayn’t I?)

I said, get your mind out of the gutter. Sheesh.

“No PDA in front of the lizard”

May I post this on my door?