Rhinoceros & Weasel

Rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos
Weasel weasel
Rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos rhinos
Weasel weasel

Where can you see rhinos?
Right here in Kenya!
You can see rhinos only in Kenya!

Where can you see weasels?
Only in Kenya!
We’ve got weasels only in Kenya!

Forget Norway!

whoah…I need to back off on the Prozac…I wonder how I did at work today? !

My oldest daughters nickname is “Weasel” or “Tiny Weasel.” I wonder if the other one would mind being called rhino?

Well, if it’s anything like what you did here, you probably don’t have a job to go back to.
Unless, of course, you’re writing cartoons. Then I think you did okay.

I just sent a letter to the bookkeeping department.

Bookkeeping. It always looks like it’s stuttering. Bbookkeeppiinngg. Bokeping.

No, keep on taking the Prozac! More Prozac! This is fun! Maybe next we can do elephants and underpants. And ducks and monkeys.

mushroom, mushroom!

Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, SNAKE!

So that was to the bookkeeping committee?

ccoommiittee comite comité je ne suis pas une comité commiitteeeeee ee



:: sspplloott ::

I’m going to the eeyyee ddooccttoorr tomorrow.


What is the difference between a stoat and a weasel?


No, no, no… It’s pamplemousse.

That was no weasel. That was my rhinoceros!

Take my stoat, please!

So I said to him, “Funny…you don’t LOOK musteline…”

Pretty stoaty. I will call him Pampelmousse. :slight_smile:

"… and then he said it was irrelevant.
But it wasn’t irrelevant, it was

A Hippopotamus!"

purplemoose pimplemice simplenice prong

samplerice vampynice campydice…


Prong…sprong…sarong…belong…so very, very wrong.
So long!

Incidentally, pamplemousse can be anagrammed to…

Me seal mops up.

Yaaarrrr! Swab the deck you slimy penguin cruncher!

You all are so very, very strange.

sprouts purple wings with orange spots and flies away

:: innocent look ::

Who, us?