So, it’s just me and the Hallboy now that the other two have evolved into HallCollegeKids, and I’m still cooking for four. Even though Hallboy eats like a horse, apparently that doesn’t apply to Rice-A-Roni, which means I have a boatload of it left over. This has never been a problem before and of all the problems throughout my life, this one seems to be the one which is calling most of my attention.
I hate to throw it out, but what in the world can be done with leftover Rice-A-Roni? Any suggestions?
Use it in stir-fry (day old rice is always best for stir fry anyway) or make something that can be served over rice. Or make stew and mix some of it in there. Or freeze it and use it some other time.
I don’t think you can stir-fry Rice-a-Roni because it’s really a rice and pasta mixture. I’d do as others have suggested and put something over it like browned ground beef. I used to mixe it with a veggie ground beef substitute and eat it like a casserole. Or just reheat it to use as a side. I used to eat a lot of Rice-a-Roni (especially the cheesy one) and it heated just fine in the microwave if I added a little bit of water first. BTW, I stopped eating it when I noticed how much thirsty it made me and then noticed it had something like 80% of daily recommended sodium in a single serving…
Really? You can stir-fry pasta? OK, I probably shouldn’t have said anything because I’m not much of a cook (which is why I ate so much Rice-a-Roni for years ) but I figured people just weren’t aware Rice-a-Roni isn’t just rice. Wow, there’s one more thing I’m slightly less ignorant about…
Heh. actually, i stir-fry because i *can’t * cook. i know how to make spaghetti about 2545272 different ways because I can’t cook.
i boil the pasta, and stir-fry some thin beef strips in olive oil with X amount of minced garlic cloves (I tend to eat a lot of garlic, so I use 3-4). Remove the beef and stir-fry sliced zucchini till tender-crisp. replace the beef and add chopped tomatoes and bottled italian dressing to taste (I start with 1/4 cup and go from there).
I remove the meat/veggies and throw the drained pasta in and toss/stir fry in the remaining sauce.
I imagine you could do the same with rice-a-roni and sub in different meat/veggies. chicken and broccoli, maybe?