Y’know, I don’t think I like the idea of defining what a pregnant woman may or may not do.
I much prefer the idea of saying “The government and the courts have NO power except what we specifically give them.” Oh, wait, it already works that way, doesn’t it?
If a crack whore does lots of dope, gets VD, and falls down stairs, I can think of lots of things to bust her for. The idea of busting her for “fetus abuse” strikes me as way wrong.
It seems to me that when we regard a fetus’ rights as taking any precedence over a woman’s rights, we have set the stage for slavery of one kind or another. I mean, when we can arrest a woman for refusing SURGERY, for potato’s sake, why can’t we simply imprison all pregnant women? I mean, preventative detention?
We could simply impound their bodies in medical internment centers where everything they do, eat, drink, and breathe can be carefully monitored. None of this cigarettes-and-whisky nonsense. Nice, fresh veggies, vitamins, regular prenatal care by qualified medical practitioners…
…and none of this stupid, wasteful, destructive FREEDOM crap. After all, those fetuses have RIGHTS, damn you!
Sound stupid? Well, yes. But it’s the logical end result of this line of thinking.
…hey, wait a minute. What am I complaining about? I’m a GUY! I wouldn’t be subject to losing my freedom! In fact, the establishment of female internment centers would create JOBS! Stimulate the economy! After all, all those jobs being lost by pregnant women would have to be filled by someone… and as long as we keep the Republicans in charge, taxes wouldn’t go up, no matter how expensive these internment centers were to build and maintain… and, of course, someone would have to be hired to guard all those pregnant women, to keep them from stupidly and self-destructedly smoking, drinking, gardening, working out, and other potentially harmful-to-their-unborn-children actions…
…dang, maybe I DO wanna vote Bush in November… :rolleyes: