RitterSport pitted to showcase linking

Wouldn’t that be “from the Geek?”

I suppose some may classify me as a geeky doofus.

Not doofes?



You fell for our trap. Only a geeky doofus would use the word “doofodes”!

Hey, if it’s good enough for Wordsworth, it’s good enough for me.

I love marzipan, but RitterSport almond is my favorite. It’s more difficult to find.

And dark chocolate with a strong red wine is ambrosia. I was helping with the bottling at my friend’s former winery, and I was eating some chocolate (just to keep my strength up while affixing labels to bottles), and one of the other owners came by with a glass of zin. My mouth was happy.


You are ALL doofodes, doofi, or doofuses. This is the best chocolate (according to a friend – I have no personal knowledge of this) :

OK, I want to try. @discobot what the fuck is your problem?

:crystal_ball: It is certain


@discobot fortune

Will I get to eat some chocolate soon?

:crystal_ball: It is decidedly so


@discobot fortune

Do you really think we care what you say?

:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Pfft! If you want the best chocolate, Sarris Candies is where you want to go. I mean, they could be the official chocolate supplier of the KKK and ISIS, and I’d STILL purchase their products.

Darker isn’t always better. I just snarfed some dark chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joe’s. I would have preferred plain ol’ Reeses.

Speaking of drugstore candy, is there ANYTHING they haven’t tried cramming into an M&M these days?