Robert Siegel (NPR) nails Ed Gillespie over SCHIP

I love it. Robert calls his bluff and is proved correct.

We all know the Gillespie is a partisan hack of the worst kind. It’s just nice to have some more corraborating evidence.


If I may post a quote from the link -

That’ll show 'em! :smiley:

Hey, I heard that! Just happened to be listening while I biked to the store. Couldn’t be sure from the tone of voice if he had truly skewered Ol’ Eddie, or if it was a minor point of marginal interest. Mr. Seigel is so matter of fact, you’d think he was correcting the grammar…

Yeah, I just heard it on the radio. I was all like, “You go boy!”

Transcript available anywhere?

Good luck getting Gillespie to call back and concede that the primary argument he was touting for the veto was a complete and undeniable ______*

*Feel free to fill in “mistake”, “fabrication”, “falsehood”, “smokescreen”, etc., depending on how generous you feel like being. Regardless of what it was, the best NPR will probably get is a memo “clarifying” (backpedaling, rewording, denying previous quotes, etc.) their position.

He should at least get Carl Kassel’s voice on his home answering machine.

It puts a whole different meaning to the phrase “Wait wait, don’t tell me!” (visualize Gillespie with his fingers in his ears)

Yeahwell maybe Hillary caught the fake laugh from that lame-o Amy Dickinson. Just put on Paula, Roy and Tom. That would make my fricking year.

Not quite a nailing though, OP. Pretty crisp. Pretty dang crisp.

I dare say thank god Ken Tomlinson got yanked or our ole friend Siegel would be joining Bob Edwards from that thin-skinned broadcasting bug in the sky. Or hosting pledge-drive filler like Moyers. Eww.

When we get to Hell, it will always be Pledge Week.

OK, I gots to know.

Were you riding a Schwinn, because it’s good for the environment and your health, or were you on your Harley, you ole’ reprobate hippy you?

(hopeful voice) Will Ira Glass still do some of the segments?

Here’s a link to Siegel’s piece (audio); click on “listen”

You can decide for yourself.

For my two bits, a motorcycle is a set of wheels with an oversized engine slung between them and a moron mounted on top, wrapped in leather since chiffon wrinkles so easily.

A velocipede, sir, I assure you! A Frankenstein, crafted from disparate parts that more or less functions. After a fashion. I’ve often wished I could afford an SUV, so I could spend the money on drugs and lewd companions instead.

Sure, but he’ll be shrieking in agony. Which, you know, now that you mention it…

:::walks away, renewed in his energy to right wrongs, bring evil tyrants to their knees(If that is where they belong:::except Larry Craig).

No-it’ll be wall to wall Diane Rehms and Jerome MacDonald… :eek:

How does that old joke go? “Hell is where Juan Williams does Fresh Air, Linda Wertheimer does Car Talk,” et cetera…

Wait—we did say this is Hell, right?

(Only kidding. I like Ira, but this article was pretty funny.)

OK, I listened. What did Siegel nail Gillespie on?

Was it the 20% figure, the $83k (or thereabouts) income figure, or the part about adults being kicked off?

I’m not getting it…

I didn’t hear any complete gotcha moments, but it does show one of the things I love about NPR: their interviews of political figures tend to be very tough, and they ask follow-up questions when their initial questions are deflected, until the question is answered or until it’s perfectly clear that the interviewee is dodging the question.
