Hey, don’t get me wrong, I love RW in Dead Poet’s Society and Good Morning Vietnam, but the guy in his stand up routines, and his talk show appearances has never made me laugh. The rapid-fire jokes, the ridiculous mugging, for me pretty much justs adds up to a bucket of suck. And please, rolling around in a swimming pool of spaghetti, what demented agent advised him on taking that role?
I concur with the sentiment.Word on the street is he steals jokes. Even if he doesn’t, I’ve never found anything he says to be funny, it all comes off like a long stream of unclever gook.
Before I started changing the channel anytime he was a guest on a talk show, I would turn into Howard Stern’s father, screaming at him, “Sit down! Shut up!”
I never got him either. He reminds me of a five year old jumping up and down saying “Look at me,” hoping if he says enough stupid things, eventually something he yells will pass for funny
Back about 1979, when Robin was still best known as Mork, he had a pretty hilarious Lp entitled Reality, What A Concept. This gave me many happy hours of listening as a pre-teen.
Since then, yeah, he mostly sucks. Seems like what he really wanted all along was just to be Taken Seriously as a Serious Actor…which, when you’re a gonzo standup comedian, basically means, “Time to sell out and become a schmalzy latter-day Danny Kaye, a defanged satyr figure beloved of The Industry and free of any disturbing creativity.”
I think he’s had his moments. He hasn’t been terribly funny recently, but isn’t that the way most comedians go. They are always funniest in their coked up youth. They never recapture it once they’ve lost it.
Hah! You guys are late. I’ve been wondering what the attraction is for Robin Williams for years, and posted as much here in June of 2006. He’s horrible in any comedic situation or movie. The man is simply not funny. Period. Whatever comedic ability he did have died with Mork and Mindy. His career’s running on fumes.
I think he has moments. I was watching a DVD of his recently that my boyfriend owns, and he did this bit about the Crusades, where (I’m paraphrasing from memory) he said the residents of Jerusalem reacted to the Christians by saying “Hide the women and the children and the number zero!” That bit cracked me up.
He’s one of those bizarro guys who kicks ass at dramatic roles (I have loved him in every film where he plays a character that is not Robin Williams) but he strikes me as a hairy, criminally unfunny presence.
He’s got the lisping gay voice, the sassy black woman voice… and am I missing any others? The stream of consciousness coked-up one liners grate. If that’s how people on coke really act, I think you have the best possible anti-drug message in Mr. Williams.