Way back in the early 80’s Robin Williams went on the Dick Cavett Show for what Mr. Cavett thought was going to be an interview. Instead, what he(and we) got was Robin in full bull-goose loony mode. Somewhere in there he did a bit called “A Meltdowner’s Nightmare” which had me on the floor laughing. Is this show, or at the very least this one bit, available anywhere?
Am I the only one that saw that episode of the show? I believe it aired on PBS, but I’m not sure.
Apparently he was on there twice in 1979. Once in May and once in August. As far as clips, from reading a little on that website, you won’t be able to see them unless you pay a license fee.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug. [/rickjames]
I remember the show. 1979 sounds about right, since they did a SHakespearean re-enactment of the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster.
I remember at one point, they noticed a critic in the audience. Robin grabbed the critic’s notebook, and gave it to Cavett, who read out the words, “Obsessed with their own cuteness…”
Thank you for that gold mine of a link. The quotes, stories and information on it both bring back a lot of great memories, and give me many new avenues to explore. I’m going to order both of his books, then contact them about the 5/16/79 Robin Williams episode.