Rocky Horror Muppet Show

by Tom Smith. Anyone ever seen this or read it? I’m reading it now.

Nope, can’t say I have. Enlighten me, what is it?

Is this muppet in it?

Is it a parody, Saint Zero? Or does the title have very little to do with the book, and represents something?

Is it similar to “Meet the Feebles”

Smeghead That was hilarious. Thank you so much. I really needed a good laugh today.

**Saint Zero ** Can we have more details on the book. I have never heard of it and it sounds like something I would like.

It is not a book, it is a parody that Tom Smith came up with at a Marcon back in '92 or thereabouts I believe. He just recently wrote it down for public consumption.

Tom Smith is one of the best Filkers around, because while his singing isn’t the best, his lyrics and humor are more than first rate.

As for where the RHMS is…
Also, check out his list of lyrics. I’d suggest:
‘Peter Lorre’, ‘A Boy and his frog’, ‘307 Ale’, ‘Crystal Gayle killed Frank Herbert’(If you liked Dune), ‘Operation: Desert Storm’, ‘Return of the King, Uh-Huh’, ‘Rocket Ride’, and ‘Superman Sexlife Boogie’. All are good or great though.

What Narlie said. It’s funny, tho not in character for most of them. Fozzy is funny, tho. :slight_smile: