Ron Blum, suck my left nut.

Yeah, it’s minor. But I can still be pissed.

Ronny-poo, last week against my precious 'Skins you blew at least one really (incredibly) obvious call.

This week you seem to be masturbating to the tune of “Dave Wannstat paid me off!” against my precious Colts.

You must die. There is no possible fucking way anyone can be that blind. The only possibilities are that you either favor teams or you’re blind. Or you don’t know the rules.

Yeah, that’s three possibilities. Problem?

Ronny-pie, if you come closer, I’ve got a couple of nice red-hot pokers with your name on them.

I didn’t see the game, but by all accounts I’ve read, the refs gave the Skins a lot of calls (not that it helped.)

Wow. This from a guy who chastised another poster’s hyperbole, but is willing to use his own over a call in a football game.

Not a flame, just an interesting observation.

I agree. VERY interesting indeed.

I’m allowed to be pissed. I never said I was perfect. I get your point, though. At the time I was pissed to the point of shaking. Yeah, the 'Skins got some calls this week. The previous week’s abysmal job maybe made them even. But the Colts . . . well, you have 12 players on your side and you’re going to win a lot of games.