Ronnie Milsap album "Milsap Magic" and single "If You Don't Want Me" -- legal issues?

Hard to make a succinct OP, but here’s the question:

Ronnie Milsap’s 1980 album “Milsap Magic”, and the hit single off that album “If You Don’t Want Me”, are said to be unavailable on recorded medium because of some legal issue. Does anyone here know if that it true … and if so, what exactly is the legal issue?

“If You Don’t Want Me” is commonly played at wedding receptions, at least where I’m from (southeast Lousiana). Perhaps it is widely available as a bootleg … or maybe an import? There is a line dance to this song that some call “The Freeze”. Many know this song as “The Freeze”.

Most likely a writing credit or publishing issue. It’s always about money.

Yeah … that’s what I was thinking as I typed “legal issue”. It’s been over 25 years now. I mean heck – even the film Heavy Metal eventually got released after various legal wranglings.

When I first started playing around with I Tunes, I was assembling Johhny Cash songs in a folder, and one was "I’ve Been Everywhere’…the one where he mentions about fifty locations. It was certainly available when I chose it, but, when I finally burnt a CD, I got a message that it was no longer available on I Tunes. No explanation, and it is now gone from his available songs.