Roseanne Part Two? No Thank You

I thought it was just so-so. I think most watched out of sheer curiosity and the ratings will go down. I’m certainly not watching any more, they haven’t advanced much beyond their white trashiness, and being tRumpsuckers? I’m out. I would, however, LOVE to see these goobers standing with their dicks in their hands forever, waiting for those fat juicy factory jobs, and no social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, and the cross dressing kid kicked up to the moon by his classmates. Like could happen in real life.

I loved the two new episodes. For everyone who has commented on the poor acting: am I the only one who remembers the original show? :wink: The only ones who could ever act were John Goodman, Sara Gilbert, and Laurie Metcalf. Roseanne Barr, Lecy Goranson (who apparently goes by Alicia now, but as a nice touch was still “Lecy” in the credits), and Michael Fishman were never great actors. But *Roseanne *was never/isn’t about the acting: it’s about the stories, and the comedy.

You know, it’s pretty depressing that there are people who judge a sitcom on this type of criteria. Why should they drop the “white trashiness” which was the defining aspect of the original? Why should a sitcom have the job of showing Trumpists punished for their foolishness? Sheesh.
I thought the over the top Clintonista* v Trumpist was almost a “let’s get this out of the way” type thing. The show did seem to capture some of the old feel in the new era. It’s clear Metcalfe and Goodman are the most skilled and most practised actors, it’ll be interesting how the others (re)develop their chops.

*who changed last second to vote Stein. Lol.

Except that Barr really *does *believe in that stuff. Combine her Trumpism with the respect for the country she showed in that crotch-grabbing anthem performance and you have somebody that doesn’t deserve ratings. You don’t even need to consider her unentertaining scripts or that screech she uses instead of a human voice.

I thought the script was entertaining enough. And as far as the ancient history of her anthem rendition, they asked a screechy voiced comedienne with no singing experience to do the anthem. Pretty sure everyone got what they expected.

The laugh track drove me nuts.

I just came in to post this very thing!

We barely watch network/basic cable anymore and our comedy shows don’t have laugh tracks (Veep, Portlandia, etc). I was taken aback by the LT, made me realize how long it’s been since I watched a show with one.

My feeling on laugh tracks is that they’re intended to serve the same role as the musical score in a drama – heighten the on-screen experience, signify emotion, all that jazz.

Many sitcoms don’t use them well, but I don’t think they’re inherently evil.

Ater years of not watching sitcoms with a laughtrack, it was an odd experience to hear one again. They used to be such a part of a sitcom viewing experience and it was very odd to watch Roseanne and realize how archaic they sound to me now.

So not evil, just dated.

I was hoping it wouldn’t have a laugh track but it makes sense that it does.

Who was the black girl supposed to be?

And at least she picked the more reasonable reason to vote Trump: “he promised jobs”.

Oh, please. This trailer trash never got ahead of what they were. DJ had to join the milit’ry to keep his stomach filled. the girls, I dunno, but neither of them seemed to be able to afford a starter home in Lansford or anywhere else. Neither every married up. Running home to mommy and daddy… Everyone on this show is a fucking loser, no better off than we had left them years ago. Do I have to watch and see how Captain Shitstain hauls them up out of the depths and makes their lives golden ? NO. They are going to all eventually die in dire poverty and want…but they won’t show that! And I hope hope hope Becky finds out she’s carrying a two=headed retarded monster and gets an abortion. take THAT , Dan, you asshole.

DJ’s daughter. His wife is stationed overseas. No idea if she’ll eventually show up.

That’s awesome. You should do TV reviews for the NYT. Maybe you can work in an AIDS joke while reviewing the Will and Grace reboot.

Taped before a studio audience. I have no opinion regarding any possible augmentation of laughter.

Speaking of social mobility; I get the impression that Darlene actually made it to middle class before dropping back down to working class* after loosing her job and splitting from David.

Her mother is Geena; the girl that DJ didn’t want to kiss in a school play.

*Yeah, I know the Connors went back and forth over the line between working class and lower middle class during the series.

Disgusting, the whole show. I say, millions watched just to see how OLD they all looked… All of them, ON THE SHOW - losers in the past, losers still today, har har har. Dicks in hand waiting for orange cheeto dick to bail them out and make their lives golden. Selling eggs to the infertile for money, how bad is that?? She’s too old now even to be stripper!.. Even if they are nobody deplorables who will die (from no health insurance. No Medicare. No Medicaid. No Social Security. No food stamps), - Was the swapping of prescription meds because they had shit insurance supposed to be FUNNY? CUTE?..Jesus!.. This show will flop in the next month, though there seem to be plenty of tRumpTards who enjoy it. Go for it - at last, role models!

Classic series Roseanne, when her power gets shut off:

“Well, middle class was fun while it lasted!”

You do realize it’s just a TV show, right? That it’s not real?

I didn’t watch it, and I won’t. I just can’t get past that photo of Roseanne Barr dressed as Hitler eating “burnt Jew” cookies. Yes, I know Hitler bears ridicule, but this wasn’t ridiculing Hitler; it was ridiculing the Holocaust. Maybe it struck other people as edgy, but it made me sick to my stomach, and I can’t get past it to enjoy the show.

I don’t really agree with that, but…imagine if the characters were black and the family matriarch (and the actress playing her) vocally supported Barack Obama and Barack Obama himself called the actress to congratulate her on the show’s great ratings. All the Very Serious White Male Commentariat would race to publish op-eds about how Hollywood is fetishizing black poverty and rejecting personal responsibility.