You supply the last words of a famous fictional character (movie, book, or other) or answer other’s. I think the rule on spoiler boxes should be use common sense and discretion; if the movie’s very recent (I’ll let you decide how recent that is) OR if the character’s last words or death were a major plot point then it should be boxed, otherwise not so much, and when in doubt spoiler box it.
Example: Even if you’ve never watched Citizen Kane the word “Rosebud”, though a major plot point, isn’t really a spoiler since it happens in the first scene and is pretty well known.
OTOH, if you respond to the first question below I’d spoiler box it since
just the fact that particular character dies is a major plot point
it’s not so well known a movie or line that everybody knows it
knowing about it in advance would diminish the viewing of the movie
And when in doubt, spoiler box it.
“I don’t deserve this… I was building a house!”
“I’ll show you who the master of Tara is, Yankee coward!” (in the movie version; book version is different)
“So tell him, with the occurrents, more and less, which have solicited. The rest is silence.”
The Witch-King of Angmar (not sure if his name was ever made public. Harry Potter? Voldemort? anyway, the Witch-king), also known as the chief of the Ringwraiths.
I believe it was said to John McClane just before he pulled off the gun he’d taped between his shoulder blades and shot the “terrorist” who was holding his wife hostage. But it’s been a while since I’ve seen it.