It’s definitely not just you. But it’s not as many people as you might think. Tons of people, usually the “little dog people” who treat their pets like children and dress them up in silly outfits, “make out” to some degree with their pooches. They tend to use the old “their mouths are cleaner than ours,” occasionally while the dogs are licking their genitals. (in all fairness, occasionally I let my cat lick my face and then stuck out my tongue just to see if he’d dot it- he did. Dirty, dirty girl)
Apparently Rosie isn’t too shy when she’s talking about herself. On The Daily Show she was talking about doing a nude scene onstage in Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, she said (I think) “You could see my bush and everything!” Food for thought.
Yeah, but she didn’t like talking about her Isuzu Trooper.
I thought her getting kissed by her dog was pretty gross. I mean, I let my cat lick me on the nose and other parts of my face, but if she gets close to my lips, I pull my head away fast. If she does manage to find my lips, I promptly pull a Lucy as i race to wash my face.
I’ve known some dog fanatics in my day. I have seen people not only let their dog lick their lips, but I swear they had their mouth open and the dog’s tongue actually made it inside their mouth. Excuse me while I barf.
Almost as bad … people that “rub their dog’s tummy” in public (for male dogs, this is essentially jacking them off). Hey lady, could you please jack off your dog some other time, I’m trying to eat lunch here.
A golden retriever did that to me once, against my will. I just opened my mouth to say something, and BANG. It felt oddly … well I don’t want to think about it.
Manduck, upon first reading of your post, I misinterpreted it as a dog humped your leg and actually got off. I was fairly amused.
I don’t know who to feel sorrier for, though. I mean, I can understand the affection people have for their animals. I mean, I love my cat, but I don’t LOVE my cat.
But, on the other hand, it’s Rosie Friggin’ Perez. Isn’t that creulty to animals?