rotten tomatoes issue

i know it is not a rotten tomatoes support site…

but i have recently some issues with the site and board there…

it looks like site is broken or something… and i dont know if it is only me and how fix it??

its loads like

That’s the stylesheet not loading. That happens to me sometimes for some sites, and I really can’t figure out what’s going on. Refreshes usually don’t fix it, there’s some fundamental issue going on between my browser and the site that I think isn’t addressable except time.

Try clearing the cache in your browser, though. Sometimes that helps.

yeah… that really annoys me…

i dont want every time clear the browser…

Have you tried another browser, like Chrome?

yeah… of course…

the same…

If you can’t get into a website and you’re unsure whether it’s your computer or the website that’s having a problem, you can check at a site like or

i can access the site… but look in screenshot…

theme looks broken

what browser do you use??


ok… the main site seems to be working…

but the board is not working properly since some time…