Rouhani saying "Remember #290" a day before PS752 - HOW CAN IT BE AN ACCIDENT?

I am not a fan of Donald, but was this a revenge on Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

I’ve reported the OP’s post to suggest a forum change as there doesn’t seem to be a factual GQ answer.
As best as I can parse the OP’s statement he might be commenting on a tweet from Iranian President Rouhani which referenced the 290 deaths when an Iranian passenger jet was shot down by the U.S. military on July 3, 1988.

Iran has now accepted that they shot down Ukranian Airlines flight 752 with Rouhani tweeting:

I would hope that Iran would be open to meaningful international cooperation in the investigation of the downing of flight 752.

I am inclined to believe that if Iran wanted to intentionally shoot down a passenger jet they would have chosen a flight with at least a few American passengers. Reportedly there were many Iranian, Afghani, Canadian, and Ukrainian passengers on flight 752 but no Americans. So, for now, my guess is that this was a horribly tragic accident that never would have happened were it not for the unfortunate timing occurring shortly after Iran’s launch of ballistic missiles.

In my favor, I just happened to CAPITALIZE the actual question. So anyone familiar with random mathematics/politics may reply.

I’m not sure what you are asking. You said “revenge.” So if Iran was looking for revenge for the accidental shooting of their airliner in 1988, they deliberately shoot another of their own civilian planes in 2020?

That’s almost like getting revenge against my neighbor for shooting me in my right testicle 32 years ago by shooting myself in my left testicle today.

Perhaps I misunderstood your question.

…you may consult your phychiatrist of your tendency to take your testicles in public this way.

You didn’t answer the question. Why would they try to “take revenge” by shooting down a Ukrainian airliner with no Americans on board?

He can’t–he’s too busy discussing underwater domes with you.

Trump linked the number of sites targeted (52) to the number of US hostages taken after the Iranian revolution. One would imagine that mentioning the 290 Iranians killed by a US missile was a direct retort to that, rather than presaging a missile attack on their own people.


I guess this goes in… Great Debates? Yeah, let’s go with that.

I hate you Chronos:D

This seems like a rational interpretation of events, which means it apparently has no place whatsoever in this thread.

It’s a known fact that on the day the PS752 was shot down, Donald Trump sniffed loudly while speaking 290 times AND Rouhani ate 52 poppy seeds with his breakfast. HOW CAN IT BE AN ACCIDENT!?

Take a look at Iran’s *other *public statements in the days between the American attack on the General in Iraq, and the downing of the plane. They made several attempts to portray Trump as The Crazy One, and Iran as being sober, rational and reasonable.

And then they’re supposed to have deliberately shot down a civilian airliner, killing citizens from multiple non-US countries? That ruins everything they were trying to do. For once, they were looking like the Good Guys, and now, that’s all gone. They’re back to being, at best, a bunch of incompetent idiots who can’t even control their own military.

No way was this deliberate. It was just a horribly timed accident, caused by too many people tossing around too many bombs, without enough time to stop and think about it.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

Of course in any conflict with the USA, Iran Air 655 will come up. The USA shot down a plane full of innocent people and handed medals out to the folks who did it. The Iranians are going to be angry about that as long as anyone alive can remember it.

^^Don’t forget the awards were for meritorious service for their entire tours on the ship, and only two awards were given out. And they were not given to them because they shot down the plane.

“Apart from that Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”

How does Iran shooting down an airplane with 82 Iranians and almost no Americans aboard count as “revenge” of any sort for the US Navy downing of the Iranian airliner thirty years ago? That would be as nonsensical as the United States blowing up the Sears (Willis) Tower in Chicago and telling al-Qaeda, “This is PAYBACK for what you did to us on 9/11!”
Edit: **UltraVires **beat me to it; the OP makes no sense.

Makes zero sense as to what I typed, so I will ignore it.

Actually, it makes total sense. Saying that the deployment was a very good one other than wrongfully killing nearly 300 people is just remarkably… something. I was going to type “out of touch” but maybe “obscene” is a better word.

Let’s see if the crew that manned this SAM battery is given any awards for overall job performance, shall we?

Do whatever you want.