Rounding out our Halloween Costume

Hey folks~
Hope no one minds another ‘help with the costume’ threads…

So Ladydvl and I have what we think is a pretty hip costume, and we’re just about all set to head out to the New York Village parade. Jusssst about. I’m hoping to round out our shtick just a bit, and hope the TM can help us with a few suggestions and maybe a couple ideas. Here’s where we’re at…
Our main costume:
Neither of our costumes are necessarily out of the ordinary per se. Mine is pretty much just a conglomeration of some relatively eclectic duds, but the clothes are inconsequential. What is slightly more consequential is that I’ve got blood dripping out of my mouth. Getting more consequential is the chalkboard strung around my neck. Look closely. Written on the chalkboard are the words “Damn Cat.”

She just sewed herself, you guessed it, a cat costume. Looks great, but again nothing out of the ordinary. But look closely. Strung around her neck is a fresh-from-the-Russian-deli-without-any-mistaking-it-for-what-it-is, tongue.[sup]*[/sup]

Our main costume: The cat’s got your (well, my) tongue.

After the parade, we’ll be finding ourselves in a bar (or two, or three….) and in meeting people, we thought we’d have some fun. First off is the obvious—go up to someone, but have nothing to say. Then point to the sign, then at Ladydvl, etc. Weeee!

Realizing this would be a quick gag, we decided to make it a bit more interesting. I have a decent sized laundry bag with several props. If the opportunity arises, I can take one out, we’ll do our thing, and I’ll write out (if necessary) what it is on the board. If this works out the way we hope it will, we’ve got fun-sized Kit-Kats (of course) to give out if anyone guesses what other items are. We’re sorta thinking something along the lines of drunken charades. Um… but with props (well, I did say ‘sorta’. And I did day 'drunken, didn’t I?).

We’ll be out for several hours, and if you’ve been to it before (or anything similar) you know the parade-like environment stays constant throughout the night. We’d rather not repeat the same two or three gags over and over again, which is why I’m here. Also, given the charade-like theme of this, some will be more fun to do than others, but we won’t necessarily know which until we try them. We want to make sure we’ve got a good handful of ideas. So, we’re turning to the TM for prop suggestions that are small, light, and easily discernable.

In the bag so far:
[li]Catacomb—a big plastic comb.[/li][li]Catalyst—a four or five foot long, four inch wide, list of cat clichés. It (and other paper items) are laminated with contact paper to keep their shape/integrity. [/li][li]Catatonic—a small bottle of tonic water. Hand it to her, she passes out. [/li][li]Cat call—I’ll ring her up on my cell. Mewling ensues. [/li][li]Cattle—a wooden ‘L’. Mooing ensues. [/li][li]Catalog—should come right after the L—we’ve got a small log to add on to the last bit. [/li][li]Catnip—she’s sewing a small, removable flap right over her… well, where the flap is should be obvious, shouldn’t it?[/li][li]Catfish—a small toy fishing reel with a fish on the end of it. [/li][li]Cat Burglar—she’ll have a small burglar’s mask and a water pistol. [/li][li]Curiosity killed the cat—I’ve got a nametag in the vein of “Hello, My Name Is: Curiosity.” I’ll put it on after she steals my wallet, take the gun, and kill her. [/li][li]When the cat’s away, the mice will play—two computer mice to play together. Especially useful when she goes to the loo. [/li][li]Cheshire Cat—simple cardboard cutout of just the smile. Held in front of her face, she sneaks behind me (remember, these are drunken folk we’ll be around) leaving just the grin.[/li][li]Cat in the Hat—simple enough, I’ve got a hat, you know the rest[/li][li]The cat’s pajamas—some of her slinky things :)[/li][li]CAT scan—an airport security wand[/li][li]Catastrophe—a trophy that goes… well, if you guessed catnip, you can guess where the trophy goes. [/li][li]Catsup—gets applied to the tongue. [/li][li]The tasteless one—we’ve got a pair of chopsticks and a take-out container. This gets a just a little bit out of the bag.[/li][li]Catholic—(or, The tasteless one part two). A small religious icon that gets licked. We’re a bit iffy about this one, but if we see enough pregnant nuns, etc., who knows?[/li][li]Pussywillow—a cardboard cutout of Willow, à la Buffy. [/li][/ul]

That kind of seems like a lot, but the bag is still relatively empty. Like I said, we’re not sure how some of them are going to go over, but in planning on being a bit tipsy we hope to have more fun with them than they seem written out—especially when we do them with other people. There’s a few that we’re keen on doing, but are not quite sure how to put them into effect:

[li]Cation—I have a card with a circle surrounded by a bunch of positive signs (from here.) We’re just not sure how to get the point across. [/li][li]Three kittens that lost their mittens[/li][li]Cat on a Hot Tin Roof[/li][li]Kitty Corner[/li][li]Category[/li][li]Raining Cats and dogs[/li][li]Caterpillar[/li][li]Catapult[/li][li]Cat’s cradle[/li][li]Look what the cat dragged in[/li][/ul]
And, well, that’s where we’re at. Any suggestions for working out the above or other ideas will be greatly appreciated. I’ll even throw in a Kit-Kat!



[sup]*[/sup]It’s going to be sealed in a Ziploc bag.