Rove takes a walk

I didn’t say “Party before country”. I merely mocked those who say “Party regardless of truth”.


So, let me get this straight.

Clinton is investigated for six years and nothing can be proven, so that means he did nothing wrong.

Rove is investigated for six years and nothing can be proven, so that means he got away with it.

That’s party before country.

Just to give Shodan the benefit of the doubt: it is possible that he wants whoever outed the covert agent punished, but doesn’t believe it was Rove. (I assume we all can agree that the crime in fact occurred? To dispute this was a strategy early on, when Novak referred to Plame as a “glorified secretary”).

Shodan’s did, at one time, believe the leak to be a serious issue. But he was trying to pin it on Clinton then too. :wink:

If I’m wrong – if Shodan truly prefers that the perp walk rather than the Republicans lose one – I can’t see how he’s not supporting a traitor.

I admit to taking this matter a little personally, having worked in the intelligence community for twenty years, and would be pissed off at any administration who did it, regardless of party affiliation. (And I voted for Bush the first time, so I’m hoping this removes me from the list of ‘usual suspects’).

No, Clinton was found not guilty (something many people are still sporting grudges about, apparently). That means he did nothing wrong in the eyes of the law, which is the only place so many Republicans can find solace in these days. “But in the eyes of the law, the president did nothing wrong!” “But in the eyes of the law, Rove did nothing wrong!” “But in the eyes of the law…!!!”
Rove wasn’t even indicted. Either: A) No evidence was found and the investigation was dropped or B) pressure was brought to bear and evidence was suppressed. And, of course, this administration has such a sterling history of honesty and integrity, we all have no problem whatsoever believing it must be the former.

Oh, and Cervaise, Shodan is not a pig. He is a troll. A knuckle dragging, bridge dwelling, goat felching, mouth breathing troll who adds nothing to any discussion except inflammatory statements designed to elicit responses like these. He is, dare I say it, the most successful troll in the history of the SDMB, and all I can think is he has some mighty good blackmail material on Ed and Tuba to have not been banned before this.

I had to double check the time stamp on this post to make sure I wasn’t responding to a thread started in 2004.

Wrong. We all lose. When the government is this fucking corrupt, it’s everyone who pays the price.


Maureen, what has Shodan done that’s bannable?

Seriously, grow the fuck up. Someone doesn’t agree with your political positions and is rude about it, and they should therefore be banned?

Don’t be an idiot.

I’d still say december got under more skins and more deeply too, perhaps mainly because he kept his posts so articulate and so superficially polite. **Shodan ** simply spraypaints graffiti on the walls and runs away giggling, like an unparented 11-year-old.
Fitzgerald hasn’t wrapped things up yet, and there still is the Sealed matter - dare we speculate that he’s focused on *Cheney * as the source of the leak, not on the mere transmitters of it?

Lemur, eat shit and live. John Mace disagrees with my politics. I love arguing with him. I will disagree with Bricker on so many things I can’t even list them, politically, but I respect his opinoin and his legal knowledge.
Shodan breaks rule #1 every chance he gets. He adds nothing to threads other than one line assholish comments that derail discussions and drags them down to mud slinging bitterness. He’s a fucking troll. Deal.

Maybe you should’ve put that as a qualifier on your “neener neener neener” comment, given a small (and I mean tiny) sample of your previous postings:

I honestly don’t have the time to go through all the threads in which you bashed Democrats. I couldn’t find a better way to search for them other than “Shodan” and “Democrat”… but even so, I got so many hits that I don’t have time to cut-n-paste 'em all. I leave this as an exercise for the reader.

If you’re going to be partisan, at least have the balls to admit it. If you’re really mocking those who say “Party before Truth”, you need to be the first to admit that you’re guilty of the same thing. Looking over your posting history, however, I can easily see that you’ll never do such a thing. I wish I could respect such rock-hard political loyalty, but as I said- I think that’s the problem.


At this point, I’m cynical enough to think they’re dragging feet to see how the November elections are going to go before moving forward with it.

That would mean you think Fitzgerald has some baser motivation - what would that be?

I’ll stick to the notion (and it’s no more than that) that Turd Blossom agreed to sell out Dead-Eye Dick to save his own sorry butt.

So, Rove takes a walk supposedly due to lack of evidence, but we keep people in cages and torture them at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib due to lack of evidence ? America in a nutshell.

“Let Rove off or your kids get hauled off and tortured”, perhaps.


Outstanding post. I know you’re no fan of this administration or of Rove, and so I very much appreciate the even-handedness of your analysis.

Hear, hear.

I don’t think it’s baser motivations at all. I think it’s more along the lines of trying to figure out how prosecutable this case is. It’s taken six years just to get some of the information out in the open. Four years ago, it would never have seen the light of day.

Thank you, Maureeen. Perfect drawing of distinction between “articulate poster with ideas I disagree with” and “person who chooses to be a troll.” The disappointing part of the whole thing is that Shodan was once a competent debater who expressed minority views with clarity and wit. Why he chose to move under the bridge, I don’t know. (Perhaps his only companion is the city he lives in.)

Rove was investigated for six years about an event that happened in 2003? I think you’re trying too hard to draw parrallels between Rove and Clinton…

I have to pity dummies like Shodan who still somehow believe that they are WINNING.

Rove was investigated because a crime was committed and not enough evidence was found to warrant an indictment.

Clinton was investigated because of who he was, until someone hung around long enough to find something to charge him with. (And a pretty meaningless charge, but thats a whole other argument)

There’s a pretty clear distinction there. Try again guys.