RSV vaccine approved by the FDA for those over 60

No, not covid. But this seems to fit well here:

FDA Approves First-Ever RSV Vaccine | MedPage Today

GSK said the vaccine would be available ahead of the 2023/2024 RSV season, and that the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices will weigh in on the RSV vaccine’s appropriate use in June.



Can you get RSV more than once? My daughter had a likely case of it when she was about 9 months old: they did not test for it, but based on the severity of her symptoms they suspected it was more than “just” a cold. I don’t recall whether I got sick at the time - this was 25 years ago.

And I’m 60+, and in a high risk group for other reasons.

I’m 60+, high risk for exposure, but not for severity, I will happily show up for this vaccine.

RSV causes 60-160,000 hospitalizations among older Americans annually, with 6-10,000 deaths.

From the Journal of the A.M.A.: “Older adults who received the RSV vaccine were about 83% less likely to develop RSV-associated lower respiratory tract disease and about 94% less likely to develop a severe case. Common adverse effects included fatigue, muscle pain, and headaches.”

It’s a vaccine I’ll get later this year.

I was really sick at the start of the pandemic with something that was definitely not covid, because i had a bunch of antibody tests later that rule it out. It was probably RSV. I’m planning to get jabbed for covid, flu, and RSV this fall.

For people who are 60 and older, the conditions that put them at higher risk of severe illness include chronic heart disease, advanced-stage kidney disease, chronic lung illnesses and severe obesity. About 39% of people in that age group would qualify under the strictest interpretation of that guidelines, CDC officials said.

The committee also recommended the vaccine for 60- to 74-year-olds who live in nursing homes or are deemed by their doctors to be frail for other reasons.

I got this vaccine several months ago less than a week after I turned 60. The CVS site wouldn’t let me schedule it until I was actually 60 even if I set the appointment for after my birthday.

I was the worst vaccine I’ve ever gotten in terms of after effects. I felt horrible the entire next day and until the next morning. Obviously no regrets.

Hmm. Reading the link above, I’m not in a high risk group.

Yeah, i got the vaccine shortly after it became available, because i figured i hadn’t had any exposure for the last few years, what with masking and all. I was already 60 before it came out, so that wasn’t an issue.

I don’t recall getting especially sick from that one.

Interesting article.

My daughter likely had RSV when she was 9-10 months old - worse than a “bad cold”, though not bad enough to be hospitalized. Dunno if I’ve ever had it - but as a lifelong asthmatic, I fall into the higher-risk category.

My husband (same age, 64) got the vaccine a few months back. He has no risk categories, being BARELY into the obese range per BMI. I was going to get it the same time as I got my last COVID booster (back in June) but the pharmacist said they don’t give the two together, due to higher risk of side effects. I need to remember to try again to book one.

I don’t think my husband had an awful reaction - just the usual sore arm / feeling flu-ish for 24 hours. I tend to not react at all aside from the sore arm.