RTOK Preview on TT DVD [Spoilers - nout major though]

As metioned in this thread i got the TT DVD a couple of days ago. So at pugluvr’s request i’ll post here about the ROTK preview on the Extras Disc.

hmmm… what to say…

I’ve only had a brief chance to play with the extras (i’ve been busy make up for my faux pas) but i did quickly watch the “In the Cutting Room” Preview of ROTK.

ROTK looks good. The preview (obviously) doesn’t give much away. You get the odd sequence showing Frodo and Sam in the caves and flashes of the armies gathering (various characters all armoured up and ready) for the final battle but thats about it.

It mainly concentrates on outlining the plot and sequence of events - highlighting (with clips and interviews) Aragorn’s “quest” to come to terms with his kingship, Gandalf’s plan to buy Frodo time etc.

The brief “behind the scenes” look at filming the Riders of Rohan in action and motion capturing horses is quite cool, and the planning and effort that has gone into making the battle sequences work is obvious. It really does look like they will kick arse.

And, of course, at the end you get a brief clip showing the gradual deterioration of Frodo (Although its careful not to give too much away).

All in all, it shows enough to make you hungry for the next one, but nowhere near enough to leave you satisfied.

Oh, and the sight of a ginger-haired Viggo out of his Aragorn character will be a shock to some adoring female fans :slight_smile:


There never was a second movie so how can you possibly be talking about a third? the mind boggles.


So the TT DVD is out already? I thought it wasn’t due until the end of the month. Very cool.

Space, click on garius’ link.

err? smam?


He’s a lucky SOB! I only saw it once in the theater, so I’ve really been looking forward to it.

I think smam’s just leveraging for an opportunity to rant about how much he hated TTT and how much it departed from the books and how evil Peter Jackson is, and what a travesty it is that Bombadil was left out of the first movie and how aweful the Ents were and how ridiculous Faramir was portrayed. After all, it’s not hijacking a thread if someone asks you, right?

and the love scene?etc.?? Hey I liked the 1st one but TTT just wasn’t right.

You can see more footage of ROTK if you nip out and buy the PS2 game (if you can’t buy it now you will be able to very soon), seemingly it has a lot of exclusive footage that wont be anywhere else (well except on the net ) till the movie is released.

Yeah there’s a trailer on the dvd for the console game too.

Eh. Looks okay for a console game i guess.

That would be your opinion, which is fine as long as you realize that doesn’t make it fact.

It does make it a fact if that fact is that I don’t care too much for TTT, I can’t give you a cite on this you will just have to take my word for it.

I still can’t wait for ROTH though.

Some, but only the completely clueless. They’ve had two years to go find Viggo in other movies and to replay the hours of appendices from Fellowship over and over again. If they haven’t realized that Viggo and Aragorn are two VERY different men, they are somewhat out of the loop.

It’s kind of like discovering when Pirates was released that Orlando Bloom isn’t a blonde. And these women were living under what rock?!