Rudy Giuliani what will be his role in the Trump Presidency?

Rudy has been Trump’s most loyal defender throughout the campaign. He stood up and defended Trump through every controversy.

Will he be our next Attorney General?

Maybe Supreme Court Justice?

He’s been living a quiet life for many years. Does he even want a new full time job?
I could see him on the Supreme Court if he wants the job.

NBC’s sources are speculating that Rudy will be AG.

Gingrich might get Secretary of State.

It’s very early. Trump probably won’t announce any cabinet appointments for several weeks

Why would you put a septuagenarian on the Supreme Court? Pick a guy who can stick around for decades, not years.

I never thought of Rudy as old. I just looked him up on Wikipedia. He’s 72. That’s surprising, I forgot how long it’s actually been since he was mayor of NY.

AG would be better than the SCOTUS.

I’m actually excited about Giuliani and Gingrich working in an administration. But there are some serious problems with the speculated offices.

Giuliani cannot be AG. As a Deputy AG in the Reagan administration, he jusfitied internment of Haitian refugees on the grounds that there was no political persecution in Haiti. Democrats would be crazy not to bring that up and it’s a legitimate complaint. No, Giuliani’s strength is management, so I say put him at HUD. If he thinks HUD is beneath him, he can go home.

Now Gingrich shouldn’t be let near any executive agency. Gingrich is an idea guy and three fourths of his ideas are batshit. He has no management experience and will cause no end of headaches for Trump. Where you utilize Gingrich is as a minister without portfolio who wanders the corridors of the White House like Doc Brown muttering to himself, occasionally going “Eureka!” and rushing into the President’s office to tell him about the totally awesome idea he just had.

I do think both men would be great as part of Trump’s inner circle, in an advisory capacity, but if Trump is serious about organizing the federal government using sound management principles, you don’t want primarily political guys heading agencies. You want career public servants. State should go to John Bolton. Bolton, for better or worse, will represent the administration exactly the way Trump wants and he has the experience and knowledge to carry out Trump administration foreign policy the way Trump wants. AG should be Merrick Garland. He didn’t deserve what happened to him and he’s a good, fair legal mind.

Then he has no business being an adviser to a man who doesn’t know batshit from Shinola.

Aren’t career public servants part of the swamp Trump wants to drain?
Isn’t that who he railed against his whole campaign?
ETA: lets not forget this.

The whole article is about the mass firings when Trump takes office.
If Giingrich and Guliani get in, the Trump Administration is well on it’s way to setting a new record for most ex-wives in an administration. :smiley:

Well first, Trump undermines my whole argument that Democrats lie about what they believe to win elections. I don’t know what that man is going to do because he doesn’t tell the truth about his intentions. CNN reports that his transition team is all DC insiders and that the head of JP Morgan is likely to be his Secretary of the Treasury.

However, on the “Obama civil servants” front, I think what Trump is referring to is how politicized the federal bureaucracy got under his leadership. Although Trump can’t legally just clean out the civil service, he might be able to issue executive orders that allow for the speedy firing of any employees who performed their jobs with Obama’s interests in mind rather than the public’s. I don’t know how he’ll figure that out or make it work legally, but if you’re going to drain that swamp, that’s what you’d be looking for.

If anything he will be attorney general. SCOTUS justices tend to be in their 40s or 50s when picked so they can stay on the court for 30 years. Giuliani is 72 and will be dead in a decade from old age.

I didn’t realize that cleaning the bathrooms or taking out the trash at the White House is now a fireable offense.

Heh. but you get the point. Trump’s probably talking about things like IRS employees, or those employees who refused or slow walked FOIA requests from conservative organizations, which was especially frequent in the EPA. We conservatives believe that a lot of employees were so loyal to Obama that they cut corners to try to promote his political interests.

One useful change which has been suggested is that every decision made in the bureaucracy must have the signature of the person who made it. Conservatives would make FOIA requests and get a form letter from the Lisa Jackson. That practice needs to end, if a low level employee makes a decision to not comply with a legal request, that employee’s signature should be on the letter. And likewise, it shouldn’t be hard to figure out who gave what orders in the IRS. When a conservative organization gets a letter demanding more information to process their tax exemption request, that letter should be signed by the employee requesting the information, along with the signature of whoever ordered that employee to do so.