Rule Clarification - Bipolar Members & Multiple Accounts

I understand from the SD rules that one member cannot have more than one account. Similarly, one account may not be shared by more than one person.

As a career manic depressive, I’m curious to know how I fit into the scheme of things here. Whereas I am but one physical entity, there are in fact two intelligent (no cite available) life forms who, far from co-existing in this physical entity, share its facilities on a single occupancy basis only. When one enters the system the other immediately vacates the premises. Think of it as a holiday timeshare arrangement and you won’t go far wrong.

In theory and in spirit I am currently in breach of the rule prohibiting account sharing. Yet if I opened another account for my alter ego I would certainly infringe the existing laws concerning sock puppetry. While I understand the rationale behind the sock puppet rule, it is inconceivable that I would ever agree with said alter ego in any kind of debate. In fact, I am far more likely to bury him than I am to praise him.

It seems to me that too much emphasis is placed on a member’s physical singularity for a community which is essentially virtual in form. I therefore humbly suggest the sock puppet legislation is reviewed as a matter of urgency by the SD administrative, medical and legal divisions in order to clarify matters for me and any fellow travellers who may be so affected by the current rules.

Many thanks from both of us.

ONE screen name to a carbon-based form of being.

We don’t care how many roommates you got, y’all will have to share.

(Nice try, though.)

Just be thankful you aren’t manic depressive and also twins.

So if I were a Horta, I could have more than one screen name?

Well, it’s a change-up from the usual “What if I’m schizophrenic” rationales for considering there to be two of one’s self.

When did bipolar disorder and manic depression become synonymous with dissociative identity/multiple personality disorder (which isn’t the same thing as schizophrenia, either)?

He’s a doctor, not a moderator. :slight_smile:

Actually we’re just waiting on the Borg to get here and then of course there will only be one screen name. Until then, carry on.

All jokes aside this is just one person, right? Otherwise there will need to be another screen name here, it really is one account to a person, no sharing, no family memberships, no group plan, no hive mind.

Him or me? Me is one person, like Sam & Clem
Chez is clearly not clearly :smiley:

Yeah, not clearly is the problem, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

But hopefully we can all see clearly now.

Thanks for the clarification where you were concerned.

For the record, there is almost zero evidence that there is such a thing as dissociative identity disorder. There were around 80 reported cases (ever) by the 70s, and since then there have been around 10,000. Even if these really are DID, that’s .0001% of the population. Add to that a general discord among professionals, which includes lack of agreement on an operational definition, and it’s basically hand waving.

What about conjoined twins?

Please note The Straight Dope: Does multiple personality disorder really exist? Our rule has always been that, if a person doesn’t exist, then they can’t post here. The READER will be glad to take their money, of course, since they have a policy of not discriminating finacially based on race, gender, ethnicity, existence, etc.

Fair question! I would think that since they are twins, they would each be able to have their own account even though they must share some bodily systems. They are proven to be seperate beings, with the misfortune of being conjoined. I know I’ve seen interviews of the female twins joined at the head, and they are definitely different people.



…Ok, this isn’t one bit funny! :dubious:

I lived with a bi-polar man who was a soft spoken, thrifty, non-smoking, slightly overweight Italian, 9 months of the year and a loud chain-smoking skinny black dude who would spend MY money on anything that caught his fancy, from October to New Years.
I’m just sayin’… :stuck_out_tongue:

C’mon, Chez, you know that personal insults are not permitted in ATMB. You want to flame another poster, you take it to the Pit.

And, Chez, thank you for simply reporting that post and not responding in kind.

Chez Guevara, may I suggest a simple solution to your dilemma? Simply indicate, in the first line of each post, which manifestation of you is posting. I’m not being sarcastic.

This diverse community is open and accepting to many kinds of people (and the occasional non-person.) Other bipolar members can tell you it’s true. The basic rule is, “Don’t be a jerk.” If you can follow that, whether you’re happy or sad, we can work with that.

When does this get moved to MPSWMS?