rules on charity donations

Just wondering if you guys have any rules dealing with posts asking for charity donations. I’m running a fundraising campaign for a charity and was considering setting up a donations website to process credit card donations (via PayPal), then “advertising” here.

Logically I wouldn’t expect there to be issues with this, but I’ve run across boards where even posts that were explicitly non-profits were deleted as “commercial spam,” so I wanted to clarify.

If you want details on the fundraising I can give them, I just didn’t want to turn this into the aforementioned advertisement. :slight_smile:


I’m betting since the administration has no way to verify the validity of the charity in question, they won’t allow it. I could be wrong, but if it were me, I probably wouldn’t allow it either.

Let me hasten to add, that although I’ve no doubt your charity is a noble and worthy cause, allowing this type of advertising opens up too many possibilities for abuse. In other words, one rotten apple can spoil the whole bunch.

Well, it’s a nationally known charity, and they could verify it via their website if they wish. (the beneficiary of the funds) (the fundraising arm)

If you’re ever uncertain or unclear as to whether something in a post would be permitted or not – it’s best to email the admins first, and seek their advice and opinion. They are the ones to grant or not grant permission for stuff like this.

Generally speaking, we do not allow posts that solicit contributions for charities. There are many worthy causes, many of us are flooded with solicitation requests, and we try to keep these boards free of such.

Email the mods if you think that your situation is exceptional and merits special consideration.

I realize that Dex has given The Word as an administrator, but I thought I’d mention that I think that the OP’s situation is also covered by this section of the Registration Agreement.

Do not post spam, including but not limited to advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, solicitations, or other messages primarily intended to promote a cause, venture, organization, event (except Straight Dope-related events), website, or other entity or activity, whether or not money is involved. We allow exceptions for worthy causes (in our sole opinion) if you obtain prior permission from a moderator or administrator.[/quote