Trolls and trolling- Do not accuse other posters of trolling or being a troll. If you suspect someone is trolling or is a troll, please report them.
There is no exception for this general rule for the Pit?
Harassing other posters.Bringing up a poster’s history in unrelated threads for the purpose of harassing them is not allowed. Following a poster from thread to thread to mock them about older, off-topic posts could be considered harassment and is potentially sanctionable.
Is this a General rule or GD only?
Linking to Insults.Do not link to insulting posts or memes either in the BBQ Pit or off the SDMB as a means of getting around the ‘no insults rule’.
Now I know Discourse kinda, sorta does this and we can’t fix that. But I have seen posts like “You are invited here.” While linking to a new Pit thread for that poster. Is that a violation?
In the rules for the Pit, it is stated that it is where you can complain about other posters. It then goes on to state what isn’t allowed in those complaints; hate speech, wishing harm on another poster, trolling, doxxing, and harassment. It doesn’t contain a restriction about accusing someone of trolling. Most rules about conduct between posters don’t apply there.
Although the standards of discourse are looser than in the other forums, the Pit is NOT a free-for-all - you don’t have to be nice, but you do have to be reasonably civil.
But the best way to know that there is an exception to the rule there is because people are allowed to do it. Honestly there doesn’t need to be any more than that. It’s really obvious.
I assume it’s in place everywhere. Harassment is explicitly disallowed in the Pit. Of course, in the Pit what is “unrelated” is going to be pretty loose; if you have a thread that Pits a person, there’s little that is going to be off-topic there if it involves that poster.
Not only is it not a violation but it’s considered to be a courtesy; generally it’s considered good form to inform the person that they are being Pitted. Though that’s not a rule, just a custom.
We had a long discussion about how the software makes it hard to strictly follow this. And that the solution we are going with is to require “bland” names of pit threads about posters.
Did you somehow miss that entire discussion?
I realize that it’s human nature to ask the same question multiple times when you don’t like the answer. But this has been answered very recently.
And that’s why this rule, Bringing up a poster’s history in unrelated threads for the purpose of harassing them is not allowed. Following a poster from thread to thread to mock them about older, off-topic posts could be considered harassment and is potentially sanctionable.
doesn’t mean what I think other posters want it to.
Though more than 1 or 2 links outside the pit to a pitting could be viewed as stalking. Up to the moderators to figure that out and what to do with it.
We try to stay away from Bright Line rules and we try to look at body of work rather than just one post in many cases.