Rush Limbaugh is a dick of the highest order

I have never wanted to pit anyone, but there are days when you just gotta say fuck it.

Rush Limbaugh is such a monumental sack of shit, I can’t believe people actually listen to this guy. After reading about this, I’m convinced that he’d say Stevie Wonder was faking being blind in order to shill for funding into curing blindness. Mocking a person with a serious illness is inhuman. Mocking them for political clout is worthy of Satan.

I’m too disgusted by this windbag to think straight. Can’t we get rid of this guy somehow, or are there that many people that require him to give them an opinion?

In the case of Limbaugh, it’s his audience who needs to be pitted now. Limbaugh himself is a completely lost cause. The man lacks what you and I would call a conscience, you see. It’s like pitting Charles Manson for putting out records. I think he wouldn’t do it if he knew no one was the slightest bit interested in what he had to say.

Honey, radio is a for-profit business. As long as he has the ratings, he’ll be on. And the single most effective way for him to get ratings is to be controversial. He’s not a pundit. Like most radio talk show hosts, he’ll say whatever he has to say to capture an audience.

re: Rush Limbaugh is a dick of the highest order

Other headlines: Pope catholic, bear shits in woods.

Can you imagine doing a radio show for three (I think it’s three) hours a day for as long as he has and trying to maintain an audience? He’s jumping the shark, trying to hang on, I think.

Rush is a master of the Big Lie. He could care less if people disprove his stupid statements, because he knows that if he’s made them loud enough and broadcast them wide enough, many people will still believe him. And if he can guilt-by-association Democrats and their supporters with enough angry, ignorant listeners to swing the vote in favoe of the GOP, I’m sure he considers it all justified.

Why would you want to ? Fox’s message got a real big boost out of this fiasco. I myself would not have learned about how severe Parkinson’s can be even though I’ve seen it many times, even with my grandfather.

Limbaugh may be a buffoon , but as a representative of a constituency in America he honestly and publicly, even bravely portrays their attitudes and ignorance so that others can respond. That in itself is a valuable service to those who wish to stamp out ignorance.

Not that I’m a Limbaugh apologist, but when called on his comments, The Big Fat Liar did apologize on air. So I would guess he’s less of a dick than he would be if he didn’t apologize.

But I’m really surprised that he can still make headlines. I’d like to see him and Fred Phelps shunned by the whole country.

No, he’s not a dick… he’s just acting like one. And exploiting his dickness for political purposes.

Either that or he’s off his meds.

Or back on them!
Amazing how that works both ways.

CMC fnord!

lol… That’s what I was thinking about when I read this story. If anyone knows about medication…

Only slightly less of a dick:

Ain’t enough rolleyes. Apparently Rush thinks there’s something wrong if a celebrity endorses a candidate for office; that’s certainly a new one. And Fox, for obvious reasons, would like to see a cure found for Parkinson’s, and consequently is endorsing politicians that would remove an important set of restrictions on finding such a cure. That’s a funny definition of “allowing his illness to be exploited,” but you’ve got to consider the source.

I bet he thinks Muhammad Ali is also faking.

…and that somehow makes him not a dick?

And Christopher Reeve.

Yeah, I don’t get CK’s assessment at all. I can’t even tell if it’s meant to explain, excuse, or what.

Which is somehow worse than Limbaugh allowing his mental illness to be exploited and in the process shilling for Republican politicians.

Maybe if you actually listened to Rush instead of just recapping what the liberal news media reports you would understand his side of the situation. He spent 4 hours on the topic the past 2 days, and the only thing you read is a 5 second soundbite that is COMPLETELY out of context. What Rush said was that if Fox wasn’t acting, he was off of his drugs for effect. Which, in fact, Fox has admitted to several times before he goes into Congressional Hearings. Yes, it’s a political move on his part, and yes it has an impact, and sure, use it, but don’t hide behind it as an excuse to say anything you want unquestioned and to bash whoever dares challenge what you said in the ad as and call them evil.

What if, in the advertisement, Fox had instead said “shizaru from the SDMB has only 10 posts”. Would you have said “um no this is a lie, I have 250 posts, here’s my post log and the dates and links to each thread”, or would you instead have said “well Michael J. Fox does have Parkinson’s Disease, so I guess I really shouldn’t challenge him on the facts because that would just be improper”. I’m fairly sure you would defend yourself with the facts.

The bill Fox is supporting doesn’t even support stem cell research is the funny thing, and one of the candidates he endorsed actually voted against stem cell research. The bill has something to do with cloning actually, not stem cells.

According to Limbaugh, at the core this argument goes back to abortion for the mere fact that while adult stem cells have proven worthy in 70+ disorders, embryonic stem cells have had 0 impact on anything. He even has a cite to a medical journal on that one.
I quote from Rush’s site, if you care to even hear an explanation:

His point wasn’t to make fun of Mr. Fox, but to say that he was either a) off his drugs or b) acting. Well, as it turns out he was likely doing a little of both.
More quotes from his site:

Sure, endorse who you wish for office, even if you’re a celebrity. But Rush has stated he’s not giving anyone a free pass to say anything they wish because they are disabled. Rush himself is disabled, he’s deaf, but people don’t seem to care about that. His point is a good one - if you enter the political arena, don’t expect a free pass and be prepared to defend your statements.

Here’s some more links to support that MJ Fox was infact either misinformed, or intentionally lying:

Michael J. Fox is wrong: Jim Talent supports stem cell research
Democrats Exploit Michael J. Fox’s Illness
Was Michael J. Fox Duped?

Current world record for holding his breath is pretty impressive.