Rush Limbaugh, you are dead to us

I don’t think it matters whether it was an act or not, because the long-term effect of his sophistry had a huge effect regardless.

Personally, I think that was where the money was, and that’s what he wanted most of all, but like all of his type, the money was so good that he just eventually ended up always getting high on his own supply.

I worked in an office that played Rush’s show, and that man was slime. Not just an idiot like Alex Jones or Sean Hannity, but genuine slime. He used reasoned arguments when they served the Republicans, and used jokes and half-truths when they didn’t.

My stocks plummeted this morning, but now all is well.

Oddly enough, so did Rush…

( Hey Hallmark, you need a new line of cards. Where do I apply…?)

I guess the tabloid headline here is


I do. He was a shitty person who spent five days a week trying to make the world a worse place and propagate lies for his own personal wealth. He was a criminal hypocrite. Fuck that monster and I’m glad he’s finally silent.

I thought I posted in this.

He won’t be missed by me. He did real damage to our political system. He made a difference, but it was a terrible one.

you might be surprised he never voted for Reagan. Because he never voted for anyone until 1988 when his show went national.

I know you’re not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is it really?

Seconded. I’ve never understood why people think it’s virtuous to not wish death on evil people. I mean, if I were somehow actually in control of the outcome by (say) possessing the only supply of a drug that nobody else needed but could have saved his life, I would have withheld it.

There’s nothing to rejoice about here because it has taken way too long.

I wonder if the Trump family will have him for dinner at Mar-a-Lago tonight.

I guess I see celebrating the dead the same way I view capital punishment: I totally get why people get a psychological ‘reward’ from it; I just don’t know if it’s healthy. But I won’t lecture – I’m the one who advocated mass roundups of conservatives and putting them in education camps, after all.

In any case, I don’t find his death tragic. It’s only mildly sad in the sense that it’s a life wasted. Even as a staunch conservative, he didn’t have to be an asshole, but he was one - by choice. He used his influence to undermine faith and confidence in democracy and he undermined faith in the idea of an inclusive, pluralistic society where groups with different backgrounds could find something decent and valuable in each other and work together, which I view as the worst part of his legacy.

We aren’t sure…has a stake been driven through his heart?

Nobody could give a shit about whether he wasted his life. He deserved to die, and people are glad that he is dead, because of the immense harm he caused (and was continuing to cause) to other people.

I think it’s amoral to wish harm on people solely for the purpose of retribution. But it’s not amoral to want them dead (or under certain circumstances to actually kill them) to prevent harm to others.

I think we can draw a fairly direct line from decades of Rush’s overheated partisan rhetoric to the Capitol siege that resulted in death.

So, do I mourn HIS death? Why would I?

many of his callers/fans were far to the right of him. Some of them seemed insane.

I am aligned to this thinking as well. It’s good he lived to see that result of his efforts, along with he who shall not be mentioned getting swept out of office.

I think more than any single person, Rush Limbaugh is responsible for the incredible partisanship and near-death of American government doing big things to make the country better in a bipartisan way in the last few decades.

Condolences to his family.

Never mind his callers and fans – today there are elected Senators and US Representatives who are, arguably, crazier than he was. His legacy is that he helped create the toxic environment that now allows complete lunatics to get elected.