Saladmaster Pots and Pans

Over on a UK forum several of us have been having a “lively” discussion with somebody from Canada about Saladmaster cooking pans. These utensils cost hundreds of pounds/dollars each, for what to my mind are just ordinary stainless-steel pans. I don’t really have a problem with that. If people want to wast that sort of money it’s up to them. The area of discussion is to do with the added health and nutrition benefits claimed for these pans. According to these claims, because they use a special type of steel, many more vitamins and other nutrients are retained when cooking with them as apposed to “ordinary” pans.
I haven’t been able to find any independent evidence to support these claims.

To make things worse this product seems to mainly sold by “MLM” marketing franchises where a person comes to your house, cooks a meal and then expects you to shell out megabucks for the product. Part of the marketing seems to consist of scare tactics whereby the potential buyer is warned that if they don’t invest in this product their health and quality of life will suffer.

Has anyone had any experience with this product, good or bad? Speaking personally I could never spend that sort of money on a few cooking pots. To me a pan is a pan is a pan.

As far as stainless cookware and health benefits go, the only health benefit I could see is using less oil/fat/butter/etc

Cast Iron, OTOH does add a small amount of iron to the food, and a well seasoned CI pan is more non-stick than teflon

I’ve seen the Saladmaster ads where the rep bangs the SM pan against an “inferior” pan and badly dents and crushes it, I’d like to try that with a SM pan and my ol’ reliable Cast Iron skillet <evil grin>

heck, I’d love to see the rep’s face after he does his spiel about the reputed benefits of their product, as I quietly pull out my CI arsenal…

I’d imagine he’d give up right then and there, as nothing beats good ol’ Cast Iron :slight_smile: