My Pink Tipped long armed Sea Anemone is going through some mad distress as of late. I bought her aroundv 6-7 months ago and havent had any drama since then. I am a long time salty (7 year’s experience) and I am up to date and active on mostly all testing, maintence and new technology, I have had other anemones of different types but I have never seen anything like what is currently taking place in my bio-dome. Early last week I noticed that she was climbing down from her previous perch for the first time since her introduction into the new environment. W en Surprised by the sudden change I was trying to locate a cause and after a closer look I noticed that the tips of about ¼ of her tentacles seem to be bursting just below or around the circumference of its colored tips. IT’S A VERY weirdly textured stringy materiel that is perturbing out of the arms in question. It’s a bit tricky to keep track of the exact tentacles in question due to he daily movements but, it seems that after a day or two they have lost their colored tips that seem to quickly heal only to have the same cycle start on it’s neighboring arms. I have a (hopefully) breeding pair of clowns that are her constant companion but don’t see this symbiotic relationship being responsible for the distress the anemone seems to be having. Have any fellow doper salties experienced any similar problems? I haven’t introduced any new critters lately, all tests are in acceptable perimeters but she has gone from a flamboyant edition to my system to a collapsed mess lying on the bottom of the reef in an extremely short period of time.
I’m sure there aren’t a large bunch of registered saltwater enthusiast dopers here but, I just thought I’d give it a shot…Any ideas of whats going on?
I was also woundring if this weird event might be some sort of natrual evRnt that takes place like a snake shedding it’s shin or a lobster moulting?
I think thats unlikely but certainly a possibility!!