Same problems in Australia

No. no. no! Don’t you understand?! The Whites (notice the capitalization) lifted up the poor darkies. The savages knew to step in line and behave and are better off now don’t you know.
The problem is these new darkies! They don’t know their place! It upsets the order!

Don’t it just bring tears to your eyes.

Why would when we have such guiding lights as Bob Katter’s Australia Party, the Palmer United Party, the League of Rights, the One Nation hydra and the Foundation for National Renewal. Take us back to the Elysian days of On Our Selection with Dad and Dave … and why do so many of these sages come from Queensland?

Xenophobic, homophobic, anti-semantic agrarian socialist fruit bats.

Crawl back under that nice flat rock from whence you came.

Restore Australia seems to be very closely aligned to a previous and similar Queensland based party, One Nation. The CEO of Restore Australia, Mike Holt, was a candidate for One Nation.

Also, Hi jjimm good to see you posting again.

You downloaded a copy of a generic draft constitution that is freely available on every Hisb ut-Tahrir website, which is why it doesn’t mention Australia. It presumably also doesn’t mention Australia because there are hardly any Muslims there. If your country needs to be rescued from a demographic that makes up 1.7% of your population, you are probably doomed anyway. Best of luck.

I believe - perhaps controversially in some quarters - that Obama is a member of the species Homo sapiens, and is therefore part of the Kingdom Animalia. For evidence, I offer his well-documented ability to move and eat. Further, I would suggest that his relatively dark skin tone is less than optimal for photosynthesizing, which is generally considered a fairly fundamental defining characteristic of Kingdom Plantae.

As to his religion, lacking any primary evidence, I can only suggest that, to the best of my knowledge, no leading Islamic scholar has proposed that the tenets of Islam should be applied to nonsentient sessile vegetative growth, making the idea of a Muslim plant rather problematic. But I could be wrong.

Also, you’re a twat.

Moved to The BBQ Pit from Elections.

Cab I ask a favor from the Mods? Could you kindly change the OP’s username to Restore Foreskin?

It would be hilarious.

Thank you.

I was not expecting that Join Date.

Aug 2007. Not the join date I would have expected.

Oooh. +1 vote.

Registered in 2007, didn’t post anything until now. That’s commitment.

But his History shows only six posts made total, all today. I suspect he registered a few years ago and forgot about it, then recently received that Straight Dope message about hacking.

A real knuckle-dragging neanderthal, that one.

This poster has been here six years and these are the only posts he has made? :dubious: Any way this could be related to the hacking incident?

Do you think he’s an Aussie “plant”?

Come on you guys, this is a woosh. A parody thread.


An insult to the majestic eucalyptus tree, I say!

As an Australian that has travelled and lived in several muslim countries, your party, your vision and your knowledge are all repellent.

I’m confident to know that you’ll never get more than 0.01 percent of the vote or so, which is what you deserve.

He’s definitely a vegetable.

So the problem is that they are doing better pushing thier fake, unworkable pretend constitution then you are at pushing yours?

Yep, the mod who does this will get plenty of tips.

Can we get red jackboots, or are those limited for use by Ellen?

I was surprised by the join date and would like to add my vote to the proposed name change.

According to the thesis of one Enrique Jardiel Poncela, whose literary and philosophical works are exemplified in, among others, the script to Disney’s Dumbo, men and women are different species: men are animals, women are flowering plants. In some of his works he specifically states that men are camelids, or at the very least that a bunch of men is the same as a bunch of camels. Since Mr. Obama is demonstrably male, I therefore posit that he is not a plant at all but a camelid, although his closest family members are all plants, albeit not of a Muslim bent as of last check (they might be Roseacea).