I just got the training schedule for one of our customers. Being one of the single guys with no kids where I work, I’m going to be making a number of trips to San Diego over the next couple of months to teach various courses (it’s a good thing I found out where this company is before posting this thread; otherwise I would’ve been organizing an LA Dopefest that I wouldn’t be able to attend). My first trip is tentatively scheduled for 5/2-3 (I would be available Wed., 5/2, possibly Tue., 5/1). Anyone interested in getting together then, or during one of my later trips?
Good Lord, man! You’re everywhere!
Have fun! San Diego’s great!
May 2 is no good for me, but let’s definitely hook up on one of your later trips. I know there are a bunch of other Dopers down here too, although offhand I can only think of Esprix.
…I thought Gazoo was posting his NFL draft analysis here…
Heh, it took me a minute, but good one, poopah.
As for the rest of ya, I’ll keep you posted on my training schedule.
San Diego Doper here. Though from my last thread I am sure no one would want to come visit me!
Ha ha, yes good one poohpah, but the Chargers are going to be a hundred percent better this year. That’s right, I’m fearlessly predicting that they’ll win two games in 2001.
MamaHen, I missed your earlier thread so I as of yet have no aversion to meeting you. Maybe when Strainger rolls back into town, we could all get together … unless he’s read that thread you mentioned of course.
I was in San Diego a few weeks ago, and man, did we all have a blow-out blast! Esprix? You’re a riot! And Greg - I’m not sure how to explain that stain… MamaHen, the check better be in the mail or these photos go up on the People’s Pages next week!
You heard it here first…5 wins at minimum for the Bolts!!
And I hope I’m not outing you here, but who knew Esprix was gay??
Jill- it sure was fun. Thanks for cluing me in that y’all were gonna be getting together the same weekend I was out there. You are one classy lady, and your lobes are as cute in person as in the Staff Reports. I just want to know if you-know-who is gonna have the stones to post the story about the beer bottle and the duck that was by the lake behind the resturant!:eek:
I know I’m taking a risk here… but Dave, I thought Shayna was hooked up with that Danish/Dutch/whatever-the-hell-he-is guy… Man, she sure was drooling all over you! Guess that Spiny guy is history.
Jill, my memory is a bit hazy. Where did this ring-tailed lemur come from, and who the hell dyed it green? Please don’t say we raided the zoo. Those keepers really hold a grudge, and when they say they’re going to throw you to the wolves, they usually don’t mean it metaphorically.
Shhhhhhhhh! Didn’t anyone ever inform you of the first rule of Dopefests? Discretion, girlfriend. **Discretion **. And under no circumstances are you to show the pictures, for heaven’s sake! Yeesh, I’ll think twice now about inviting you to the next one.
Spiny, honey, don’t believe a word of this. Really. I was only sortof drooling (it doesn’t count if it’s only out of one side of your mouth, right?).
Jeg elsker dig, Thomas
Dutch ? Them be fightin’ words! Lucky for you that you’re an Admin!
Oh, and since when was discretion the first rule of Dopefests ? I thought “Don’t run out of beer” was the first. IIRC, discretion is the 47th rule - right after “Only smash the empty bottles”. Ah well.
I guess I’ll have to live with a little one-side-of-the-mouth drooling, things being the way they are.
::leaves, muttering ominous stuff about dreadful revenge and Viking fury ::
S. Norman
Oh, so Thomas, does this mean our climbing trip to Joshua Tree is off?
ps - I know the Dutch are pansies, I was just trying to get your goat.
- so now you admit that you’re a goat hustler as well as a provocateur ? And I’m supposed to go climbing with you, laying my life in the hands of someone with a character like that ? Though Joshua Tree does sound awfully nice…
S. Norman
Mmmmmmmmm! Viking fury.
::double-sided drool::
She’s also a colleague of mine, you mermaid-loving, horn-helmeted, Lego hogging Viking twit.
What?? Did she just call me a pansie? Sheesh. The next moderator meeting is gonna be a heated one, that’s fer sure.
Dude, the last times your Vikings laid down their fury, we beat them three to nill
(Yeah, it’s in Dutch. It’ll have to do. I’m sure you’ll find the score. ;))