yes, i have been gone for a month or so, dealing with and sorting through some personal shit. I needed some time to mull things over but now i’m back! still currently dealing with some rather annoying shit with somwone from my past but i can deal for now. Now for the long overdue update: some of you remember, about 2 months ago, we had to put down our new puppy. we recently got a new pup named bandit. He’s a boarder collie/ lab.
2.on april 18th i celebrated a year of sobriety(from an addiction to prescription painkillers)
after two years of having them, i got rid of my dreads! ahhh!! it was a shock to all, as i didnt tell anyone i was going to do it. i now have chin length STRAIGHT hair. lol, oddly enough, i’ve never felt sexier, or had more guys hit on me since i’ve cut my hair
and as usual, everything between me and the SO is terrific!
glad to be back!!!