Santo Rugger (RIP Santo Rugger)

Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Best wishes, Santo! Get well soon!

I swear, when I saw the title to this thread I thought “Gee, I hope he didn’t blow himself up.”

I’ve always enjoyed his intelligent and rational posts - I hope he makes a speedy and full recovery.

Please Get better, Rugger, if you do I won’t call you Santos anymore… :frowning:

You’re a good man, Santo. I always enjoyed playing mafia with you, and always recall our “Three Kingdoms” Mafia dustup with pleasure now. Since then, you’ve always been a righteous dude in my book.

I know he’s gonna be fine, he’s too tough not to get through this!

I also know he’s gonna be pissed if he can’t play rugby anymore. So here’s hoping to a FULL recovery and have him back to smashing heads in no time.

Well, that sucks. Wishing Santo some good healing mojo from Indiana.

And from NW Washington.


I always considered him an awesome dude.

Here’s to a quick and total recovery.

Honestly, I was so scared when I saw the sticky that “coma” was good news. (And then Himself toddles off on his motorcycle to break into the old state mental hospital to grab movie props. He does have keys, at least. And a sidecar rig. Still.)

Sending good wishes.

All my best to Santo, he will be in my thoughts and prayers.

He’s a doper and a rugby player?
You can’t get much cooler than that.

Srsly, GET WELL and STUFF!
If anyone gets his addy, I will happily send off a card of cheer!

All I’ve been able to find out so far is that he’s not in a permanent room yet, so there’s no good addy for sending cards until he’s moved into his own digs.

I would like to send a card also, so when anyone has an address please share.

Hang in there, Santo

Damn. :frowning:

Get well soon, Santo.

All the best from a fellow rider in The Netherlands.

Oh, dear! Best wishes from me, too!

Get better, Santo.

Terrible news.

Get well soon, from a fellow New Mexican.

So sorry to hear about this. I’m hoping we hear from him personally again very soon.

sorry to hear this best wishes from a fellow biker