Sarah the Quitter!

As I just noted in the GD thread, breaking news in the Anchorage paper says the FBI has just come out and said that Palin is NOT under investigation.

Because she sucks at the job, and whoever fills her spot will do a better job at it.

I don’t see how pointing out that quitting an elected position before she has been elected/appointed to another is moving the goalposts. You can’t seriously be giving Palin cover on this.

Messed up the quote, never mind

If I understand him correctly he is not arguing that what she is saying makes any sense, just that such is what she means.

Do I have that right Airman?

How often does an FBI spokesperson pipe up to publicize that someone is NOT under investigation? That’s pretty weird.

In any case, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the FBI investigating Housegate, right?

In really thinking about this too much, because Palin is so goofy weird to my mind that I try to understand that, and why anyone would think her as admirable: I’ve come to the conclusion that she honestly believes that stepping down as Governor is the right thing to do with all the attention paid to her foibles.

The problem with this is that she just sees it as About Her, and her problems, without having an overarching view toward her duties as Governor. That’s been her biggest problem all along, to see political office as a work of service, and not as Sarah the Maverick personality, accent on the work part. She came in as a charismatic candidate, and, now, especially with the Vanity Fair piece, sees her charisma dwindling, with people close to her speaking out at her shallowness.

A shallow mind would therefore manufacture a reason to get out of the fray, while building a rather grandiose “I’m doing it for the cause”, to excuse her own weakness.

So, does anyone know if she’s going to appear at MJ’s memorial service?

She quit for a higher calling. She is going to create an organization to bring Dave Letterman down. It requires her undivided attention. She had no time for frivolous activities like running Alaska.


I thought the IRS, not the FBI, was investigating “housegate”

Another piece of speculation about her motives:

More so than any other recent candidate for a major (major!) office Palin was plucked out of the ether. And the evidence is that she was monumentally unqualified to be “a heartbeat away.”

However, she is profoundly religious and believed that God was offering her a miracle. To refuse McCain’s offer would have been spitting in the face of God.

But it turned out to be a mess…she discovered that she was scripted, that she couldn’t be herself, that maybe she didn’t have the ability to play in the big game, that there was back biting and powerplays beyond anything she had encountered before.

It sucked. And Republican power brokers were still trying to script her actions when she went back to Alaska. Maybe they even told her that she wouldn’t be the top choice for President in 2012, and that she should push someone else?

It was no fun and the spotlight was brighter than she had imagined it would ever be. On the other hand, speeches and book promotions could set her clan up for life over the next two years.

So she dropped out.

As others have mentioned, she switched colleges three or four times before graduating. She’s not happy, and she’s dropping out. She’ll get rich, play with the baby, and see what else God has in store for her in a few years.

Indeed. And come to think of it it’s Palin who must be thinking of “moving goalposts” by making that analogy – after all, back in the Fall she was doing exactly that, seeking another, “higher” office, after even less time as governor. But everyone could understand THAT. This, OTOH, just leaves us scratching our heads…
But of course, if we don’t, it’s because we “don’t get that it’s about country”. WTF does that even MEAN??
And BTW in the cases of some of my hometown crooks, an FBI “so-and-so is not under investigation” has not always been the last word about whether something’s up. Could be something handled by a different federal or a state-level agency.

Yep, and hence the shallow shoals of figgering out the river that runs in her mind.

I’m not moving the goalposts. *She *sets herself apart from those people she’s presumably referring to. Somehow she thinks that if they don’t deserve criticism for leaving their elected positions to pursue “higher callings,” she doesn’t deserve it. So, what’s her higher calling? We’ve yet to be told.

Letterman apologized too soon.

Correct. However, I have problems with the whole “housegate” thing. I can see where there may have been influence peddling, but I think embezzlement is far-fetched. So the house has the same windows, wood, etc. That’s hardly reason for concern in a place where there is only one supplier of materials, Spenard Builders’ Supply. I would suspect that nearly every house built in the the Valley has the same materials in it. Now, if she got a deal because of her position, etc., different story.

Neither could Dubya.

Subtext is completely lost on you, isn’t it? Her analogy may have been retarded, but at least I understood it.

Dubya was the Yale-educated oilman son of another Ivy League educated billionaire who also happened to be the head of the CIA, Vice President and President of the United States… and brother of the Governor of Florida. He had arguably the best political connections of any candidate since the last of the Founding Fathers died off… and managed to win election as a rustic outsider who wasn’t another Washington-as-usual type.

If Dubya was a horrible speaker - and he was - I’ve got to believe it was at least partially cultivated on purpose.