This story appeared in today’s paper. In tried and true politics-as-usual, the McSame-Mooselini ticket is now trying to discredit the head of public safety that Palin fired for not getting rid of another trooper (aka “troopergate”). Even worse, Miss Transparency-in-Governement is apparently boarding up the windows:
She’d better hope she gets into the VP mansion, because the people of Alaska are not going to forgive or forget her giving us all the finger. Just fuck you, Barbie, you lying, conniving bitch, for slandering one of the state’s better public servants, and going back on your promises.
Interesting. I like her less and less as time goes on. Chefguy do you think that this behavior will affect the turnout and/or results in AK? I really can’t see it going blue, or really even purplish, but I’m curious how a growing disaffection might reflect in the local voting booth.
Also, ChefGuy, how do you feel about the fact that Sarah Palin is no longer doing what she feels is best for Alaska (if she ever was) but now doing what is best for the McCain campaign?
What’s the legal ramification of refusing to cooperate with an investigation (like that maverick Bill Clinton did)? Is it really an option? Could she be jailed for it?
What I love are the implications that Obama’s many and infamous Alaskan connections (the Obamoose) are behind the investigation, never mind the investigation was already in progress before she was ever the nominee of course.
I’m not too hopeful of much backlash from an electorate which gave a primary win to a senator under multiple criminal indictments. Though I guess since Palin claims to be directly opposed to most of Stevens’ career (pork by the barrelful), there’s a chance you’re right.
Good point, but I have to point out that the choices for the Republicans were either Stevens or a carpetbagging opportunist by the name of Vic Vickers (google him) from Florida, who is basically a Democrat in Pubbie drag, or a rich-boy banker who reminded people too much of Frank Murkowski, the failed governor that Palin unthroned.
Picker: this state hasn’t been blue since LBJ. The influx of the oil companies turned it forever red (overall), barring some sort of miracle. That said, in individual races it’s anybody’s shot at the title. A relatively unknown and inexperienced Democrat (and a woman, to boot) damn near beat Don Young last time around, but got shellacked this time. However, Young could easily lose to Ethan Berkowitz (D), who is a state legislator, and, depending on how the Stevens trial comes out, Stevens could lose to Mark Begich (D), who is the present mayor of Anchorage. I don’t see the state going Dem for the presidential election, though, unless it turns out that McCain is buggering squirrels or something. It could be surprisingly close, though, as I think the Dem base has been mobilized and a large segment of the Independents (AK’s largest party) are not happy with her.
Merkwurdigliebe: I haven’t seen any polls that speak to that idea. Personally, I think she has been duplicitous all along; she’s surprisingly good at demagoguery and fake sincerity. She’s been doing what’s best for Sarah Palin since the beginning, and if it happens to benefit Alaskans, then that’s secondary to her ambition. It won’t hurt her following here, as the cheering section is blind to any criticism of their darling
I believe the official campaign line is that she will not probably not cooperate because the investigation is ‘tainted’. Exactly why that is I’m not sure.
Ran out of edit time. Make that “dethroned”. Sheesh.
Also, in the latest primary, Young lost to the Lt. Gov. (a complete political lightweight) by .23% of the vote, so he’s very vulnerable. The woman who challenged him last time lost out to stronger competition in the primary this time around.
The latest news on Troopergate: the state attorney general announced yesterday that state employees will refuse to testify to the legislative council that is investigating the issue. The McCain campaign is apparently directing state activities now and applying muscle to quash the entire thing. I’m really hoping that the council will not be intimidated by these fuckers, and will press on with the investigation.
I wouldn’t hold my breath. This is going to be a stonewall of epic proportions. This bullshit about not cooperating with a “tainted investigation” is nothing but pure sphincter-puckering political gaming.
I laughed out loud at the photo in the paper this morning. There stands Edward Callaghan (a former DOJ flack who crawled out from under a rock and represents the McCain campaign in Alaska) next to a chart. On the chart are photos of Obama, Monegan, Wooten, and Hollis French (the Dem chair of the Legislative council). He has cleverly drawn arrows connecting them all. Look, see the Arrows?! Bias! Wooten is clearly a tool of the Obama campaign! Because of the Arrows! Don’t you see?
Personally I feel that this is a big risk on the part of the McCain campaign. Well to be honest, the old man is a MAVERICK so he had to take a gamble. I guess that gamble was that her past wouldn’t come back to haunt him.
So now this thing is going to garner more attention than ever before. Maybe they’ll manage to quash it, but then again, maybe they won’t. If this thing continues, then there is some bad stuff to come out, probably.
Secondly, Alaska Dopers, what is going to happen here? Do you think the Republicans will be effective? Wasn’t this investigation brought about by a bipartisan committee before Palin was ever named as a VP candidate?
People have to know this has nothing to do with her being McCain’s VP right? I mean we’re all interested now, but don’t Alaskans have interest in justice too?
Check out this video interview where she says she welcomes the investigation, and gives an entirely different reason for replacing Monegan than she’s giving now.
Also note that she flat out lied, claiming never to have attempted to get her former brother-in-law fired. There’s documented evidence to the contrary – letters she wrote before becoming Governor.