Saw a woman fart today.

Yup. I was leaving the gym after my pre-dawn workout, which makes things even colder 'round these parts, and she was standing outside the door, smoking. I heard a little poot and looked over in time to see a cloud of smoke leave her mouth and a little steam cotton ball dissipate from her ass. She had the most embarassed expression on her face, I thought she was going to run away. I wonder how she would’ve felt if she knew I saw it, too.

Going to be one of those days.

How on earth did you keep from laughing out loud ala Tom Hanks in “The Money Pit”?

I’d never seen a fart before, I didn’t even know it was possible. Next time I see one I’ll laugh like a lunatic. The first time I ever saw someone get hit in the nuts I just stared in mute astonishment. After that, the sky was the limit on scrotal impact hilarity.

I was about to ask how exactly you see a woman fart. You made me laugh so hard I think my coworkers are going to send the men with the white jackets for me.
Thanks! I needed it.

I want to stand out in the cold and eat beans and bananas so that I have the chance to see my very own fart. I’m dead serious.

“It’s coming. Get out the lighter.”

Next time run over and start rubbing your hands next to it, trying to warm them up.

Oh… and hum Pass It On.

Anal Scurvy, “scrotal impact hilarity”? Wonderful phrasing, actually laughed at that.

And Floater gives you: Mister Methane.