Hands down the best commercial I have ever seen. Whoever thought of it and executed it should get some kind of a prize.
It certainly expresses a great thought. But as a commercial, what is it selling, and how is it convincing me to buy it?
Meh. I got bored 10 secs in. By 30secs turned it off.
I thought the OP was going to be about this one: The All Blacks National Rugby team of New Zealand for the Japanese AIG insurance company.
Flying ostriches, obviously.
It’s a Samsung commercial. A feel-good brand commercial, with the side of advertising their VR venture.
Yeah, saw it laslt night too, and thought it was great.
And Elton John soundtrack can make any ad good.
Lovely commercial. I guess that’s where Samsung’s putting its money these days, in great commercials. Definitely not in better products. Or for that matter, customer service.
I kept hoping at first that that ostrich was going to eat somebody’s cell phone. Because I think the best use of my (Samsung, did you guess?) cell phone would be to feed it to an ostrich, or maybe a blue whale.
Well, the best I can say about it is that it actually shows* what one sees in those VR goggles.
Other than that, meh.
*I’m assuming so
It was a very direct commercial. It showed somebody (albeit a bird) using the product and having the product transform its life for the better.
I thought the whole point of VR was that you don’t have to actually fly.
How about kiwis?
Very cute because, hey, it’s ostriches. I could have lived without seeing him biff, though. Also, I agree with El_Kabong that the point of VR is that you don’t actually do the thing you’re experiencing.