Say you find a condom...

Guy here.
I wouldn’t personally view a condom as somewhere in the range of say a gift. That is, if I bought a really nice lawn mower ( :stuck_out_tongue: ) for my girlfriend, but before I could give it to her we broke up, and then a year later had a new girlfriend–well then yeah, giving her the lawn mower would be wrong.
Condoms, on the other hand, are more in the asprin and band-aids category. Certainly they only have one purpose–but if I’ve already got them and they still work, well fish it out from the medicine cabinet. If I was having sex with you (howdy), I would consider the closeness as being what is important. The condom, on the other hand, is just a way of flipping off mother nature for creating humanity in a way that we can’t be close and prudent at the same time without an annoying bit of rubber.

I’ve insisted on my partners having condoms available at all times. So, there wouldn’t be anything I could complain about…

Agreed. Condoms are in the band-aids catagory. Besides, they can get pretty damn expensive.*

*I just typed expenisive. I believe penis just ensued.

“Damnit! Give up already! You ARE NOT getting anal. Jesus.”


I would hope that you would at least tell me we were having sex, so I could put my book down and pay attention.

And they’re not that expensive, especially when you get the **Big Box ** from Costco!
Bad pun not intended, but as a grocery item, they’re loaded w/ meaning, unlike Band-aids. Food’s just food, but would you eat a meal cooked for someone else and then given to you instead by your GF? (We’re stretching the limits of reason here, as meals don’t last for months, but I’m sticking w/ my analogy nonetheless.)

Such an idea never crossed my mind. I’ve in permanence condoms stocked at home and despite not exactly having currently a very active sex life it will always be opened because I also always have some in my wallet, and I need to replace them from time to time, lets they would be damaged. Seems like basic “in case of” precaution to me.

So, would you have dated me, I would have pulled condoms from an opened box, even if I hadn’t have sex for the last two years. And actually, if I had have sex the week before with another woman I would still have pulled the condoms from the same box without a second thought. I never considered condoms or boxes of condoms like something personnal. I would consider throwing away all my sheets and my mattress (I wouldn’t actually, but you see what I mean) because a previous partner slept in/on them before it would cross my mind not to use a previously opened box of condoms.

The genral idea, I thnk, is precisely that we’re not talking about food cooked for someone else but about frozen dishes in the fridge or wine bottles in the cellar that weren’t intended for anybody in particular. Or like another poster put it, would you refuse to take an aspirin on the basis that I happened to have originally bought the box because my former girlfriend got a headache?

It’s just a box of condoms. Buy a new box. Whatever. I wouldn’t mind if I had a new partner and she had an opened box. On the other hand, if my new partner wanted to start off fresh with a new box, I would be considerate enough to do it and not even begin to try to argue the logic. I’ve done sillier things for my wife.


Some bars have condoms galore in giant brand sniffers, next to the one’s with matchbooks.

Yes, I expected the overall male opinion to be ‘shrug No big deal’, but I’d be interested to hear what your SO’s think, gentlemen.

And to the poster who said he’d use the same box whether it was a week or a year (I’m paraphrasing), if it had only been a week since you were having sex w/ someone else, and I knew it…the box of condoms would never enter the equation. I’d figure you were still emotionally attached to that person and not ready to date, etc. Feel free to consider me a ginormous prude.

And aspirin doesn’t have the same connotation condoms have. They don’t say, “I intend to share an intimate moment w/ someone important”. (Unless you’re doing something w/ aspirin of which I am entirely unaware, and then kudos to you for originality my friend!)

Please don’t ask why I know this. There is. People use them on toys to keep them clean - like silicone toys that can tend to be ruined by some forms of lubricants, etc.


It shows that the condoms were purchased a long time before the purchase of the truck, and expired before the truck was purchased. So the fella would have had to say, “I’m going to cheat on my SO in this truck. I’ll put these condoms in here that are no good anymore, because…”

I don’t know how to end that sentence.

If your paying someone to fingerprint anything of yourS O’s, you are the jealous sort.

Well I just asked my SO and she shrugged and said no big deal. In fact she said at least that way she would know I had been practicing safe sex! If you use a diaphragm do you get a new one if you have a new boyfriend?

I am curious though–where do YOU draw the line? New bed? New sheets on the bed? I mean if I was in a previous relationship–likely I would have slept with that person on that bed! Being a guy–you are taking your chances that I have changed the sheets :slight_smile:

From my viewpoint–when I did use condoms I always took them out of the box and had them loose in the drawer. Who wants to be fumbling opening a box AND the *#&#@ condom in the heat of the moment! One thing at a time dammit! So you would not have known if there were from an unopened box! :slight_smile:

Female chiming in - I never got rid of extra condoms I used with a partner. Why would I? I’ve never been surprised or offended that anyone I’ve slept with, whether in a casual relationship or a more serious one, already had an opened box of condoms. No matter how emotionally attached I was to the guy, I really didn’t have that kind of attachement to the condoms. Frankly, I’d rather he have an open box than none at all.

gulp, ruined how?

:smack: Boy is this a Kobayashi Maru senario for the guy.
He has condoms on hand He looses because they weren’t bought just for you. He doesn’t get laid
He doesn’t have condoms on hand. He loses no glove no love
He buys a fresh box. What makes you think I am going to sleep with you.
Jeez, did you insist on a new bed and new sheets also?

Nah, lying is more of a hot button for me, which is what would drive me to get to the bottom of it.

Having gone through dry spells myself, I’ve had condoms expire on me before I could use up the box [anyone care to admit the same? show of hands]. I kept them around anyway, thinking that latex lasts a bit longer than the date would imply, and the expiration date was mostly of a gimmick to make me buy more.

So… if I were the type of person who cheated, I wouldn’t hesitate to put my expired condoms in my used cheater-mobile before heading on over to the In-N-Out for a burger and lovely to do the old In-N-Out with.

Expired condoms are no alibi, unless you are a terribly wishful thinker.

Well, not from you anyway.

I originally read this with that second to last period as a comma… fairly disturbing stuff!

Didn’t read the scenario, I immediately assumed it’s along the lines of ‘damned if you, damned if you don’t’.
He didn’t ‘lose’ anything, sex not being a commodity in polite circles. We both had to wait all of a few hours, which in fact underscored the lack of forethought we’d put into the ‘physical’ decision in the first place and prompted a very important and revealing discussion. You do acknowledge that some forethought should occur when people are deciding to do something that may, like it or not, bind them together for life? You do agree that people should decide before participating in a process that very often results in pregnancy what the disposition of said possible pregnancy should be? Or is the only thing you ask, “You’re on the pill, right?”, in that hopeful tone?
As for the sheets/bed, thanks for the useless hyperbole, it comes in handy when one is attempting make fun of something someone else finds important.

I don’t think you’re going to sleep w/ me. I’m really quite sure you won’t.

So did I! :eek: