I have always found the concept of saying the wrong thing in the wrong time and place very amusing. Here are a couple of examples. Seeing a group of leather-clad rough-looking motorcycle types, walking up to them and saying “Whose gonna be my bitch?” Or walking onstage at a National Organization for Women meeting, hitching up your pants and saying “Which one of ya’ll are cookin’ supper tonight?” I think you get the idea. I would love to hear of further examples from the fertile minds of dopers who enjoy the idea of defying social convention as much as I.
This requires that I travel through time, but you didn’t specifically prohibit that, now did you?
“Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”
Sorry, old joke … but I love it!
Some stand-up comedienne tells the story of how she performed for a NOW convention and led off with “I’m gonna have to do this quick, my man’s expecting me home to cook his dinner by 7 and then he likes oral sex by 9.” Faced with a stony response she followed up with “I’m just joking…my man likes oral sex any time!”
That would be the very funny Wanda Sykes-Hall (now without the Hall). Very funny woman.
As the keynote speaker at the annual KKK Rally, open with “I had a dream…”