Scarred by stupidity

Reading mega the roo’s thread on bruises, and feeling sorry for myself for being a total non-bruiser, I thought of the collection of scars I do have. And in particular my stupidity scars. I’m not talking about scars I got when falling off my bike, or being hit by a car/train/tactical warhead or anything. No, I’m talking about doing something stupid, being aware that it is stupid, being perfectly able to stop doing such a stupid thing (and not stopping anyway), and ending up with a scar to prove what a dumb asshole I really am.

Here’s my I’m Stupid And I Got The Scars To Prove It list (in order of occurence):
[li]Soldering with no hands (1987)[/li]Back in the good old days of the C64 I was doing some soldering on a disk drive (remember that big-ass 1541?), and at one point needed both my hands to do something. In stead of putting the soldering iron in the holder I have for it, I put it in my mouth. (I bit down on the handle - I’m not that dumb.) The business end of the iron, a very thin, sharp end, was pointing left. I had to pick up something located to my right with my left hand, and moved my hand very rapidly from left to right. Knocked the iron out of my mouth, and it stuck in the back of my hand. That hurt. Which I expressed verbally. At length.
It got me two weeks’ worth of infection and a nice round scar on the back of my left hand, between thumb and index finger.
[li]Juggling bottles of Coke (1987)[/li]I had to get some Coke from a very hot storage room. It was way back when, when the 1.5 litre plastic bottles weren’t around yet; Coke only came in 1.0 litre glass bottles. I got two bottles, one in each hand, but my grip on the right one wasn’t to my satisfaction. So, in stead of setting it down and picking it up again, I thought it would be a good idea to toss this overheated, overpressurized, GLASS bottle in the air, and pluck it out of that air just so. Yeah, right. The bottles collided, and exploded. Not one drop of that two litres of Coke ended up on me. But a shard of glass grazed the top of my left arm.
Three stitches and a weird-looking squiggly scar, no doubt depicting the Chinese character for “klutz”.
[li]Cutting a piece of rope (1988)[/li]Have to cut a piece of rope, way down near the ground. So, I kneel down, with the left foot flat on the ground. I’m right-handed and start sawing away at the rope. You’re supposed to do that (the sawing) away from your body. Hah! The moment the rope snapped my arm shot out to the left, knife point first. You know that knobbly piece of bone way down on the inside of your leg, the point your foot rotates on? That’s what stopped the knife. (Guess I can call myself lucky on this one. Only one inch up and I’d have plunged that knife in my leg.)
An almost negligible scar, but the shame! Oh, the shame!
[li]Making cucumber slices (1991)[/li]Was going to have my co-workers over for a house-warming party. Decided to make a big thing out the food to serve them. It included a salad which needed (I thought) cucumber slices. I have this thingy over which you slide whatever fruit or vegetable you have to create slices. It even has an extra thingy to impale the fruit or vegetable upon, so as to protect your precious hands. Nope, got hold of that cucumber and started sliding and slicing away. When the cucumber was nearly sliced up I suddenly noticed a strange resistance on a slide. The top of my middle finger (an oval of 5 by 10 millimetres, and about 3 millimetres thick) was dangling along happily, connected by the merest scrap of skin. The initial wonder of seeing all those little blood vessels as a cut-through was replaced by a sudden onslaught of pain. Later, when my slipshod bandage had to be replaced by one of my co-workers, I faced considerable embarrassment by having to give her the finger. :eek:
Amazingly enough, the top of my finger reconnected itself, and after six months I even got back the sense of touch in that part. Nice scar though.
[li]Walking in the dark (1991)[/li]I had to work late and needed to walk through an L-shaped hallway. At either end were light switches. Naw, worked there for three years already, could find my way around blindfolded. Now, you have to know that I have only one way of walking: full throttle. So I start out, and make a perfect left, only four feet too early. I actually heard the echo of my head connecting with the wall. Instant headache. So I start rubbing my head while making my way (still in the dark) to the john to see if I have a black eye. No, but the left side of my face was completely red with some sticky substance, and I had a second (well, third really) eye lid.
Three stitches. Without anaesthetic. Man that hurt. But not as much as it hurt when some nurse rammed a band-air over the fresh stitches, pushing the knots in the suture right into my skull. One plus though. They gave me a tetanus shot with some pep in it. Slept four hours in as many days.
[li]Cleaning the folds in the couch (1995)[/li]Have this leather couch. Where the back connects with the seat there is this folded-over area which is tough to keep clean. So I got the vacuum cleaner, stretched that leather for all I was worth and did the best job possible. But afterward I wanted to make sure there was nothing left in those folds. I actually remember having thought this over for about a minute or so. The best I came up with? I stuck my left index finger into that fold, and moved my finger from left to right. Fast. Really fast. Let’s say about four feet in about a tenth of a second. That’s when I met considerable resistance, and felt a sharp pain in my finger. Got my finger out, saw this tiny pin prick of blood, and felt rising pain. Felt around at the offending spot with my right hand and found a sewing needle. HALF a sewing needle. Now, I’m thinking: was this half a needle all along and did I just stab myself, or was this a whole needle and is the still mounting pain in my left index finger casued by the missing part? How to test? Flexing the finger hurt, but that didn’t prove anything. So I put a small magnet on a table and moved my finger down to it. The magnet jumped up to meet it. Fuck. Called a doctor, went there, showed him the magnet trick. He laughed, the asshole. He then anaesthetized my finger. Which is done by STICKING A NEEDLE IN THE TIP OF YOUR FINGER. Double fuck. Then he got a scalpel, cut open my finger tip, couldn’t find the damned thing, sent me to the hospital for X-rays. Now, that X-ray came out beatiful. About an inch of needle was lodged dead-centre in my finger tip. So they cut up my finger some more. That thing was stuck in such a way, the doctor had to get a pair of pliers and pull with both hands while a nurse held down the finger.
Two stitches. Itty bitty scar. I still have both halves of that needle. Too bad I forgot to ask for a copy of the X-ray. It was really nice.
(Free tip. If you - when you still have your finger bandaged like this - meet some nice girl in a book store, and she has her hand bandaged, and you get this “common ground” thing, and get a good conversation going, do NOT tell her you stuck a needle in your finger. :rolleyes: The junkie connection will freak her out and she’ll split. :frowning: )
So, how stupid have you been? Think you can beat this? Go ahead, make my day… :smiley:

I thought you titled this thread, “Scared by stupidity.”

I was gonna post about fnord and SPOOFE, but I guess there’s no need to post their names and hold them up to public ridicule now…

That post reads like a biography of movies made by America’s Dumbest Accidents :wink:
Let me join the club

1988- Knee cut open on Broken glass.

playing Hurling as a kid, slid on some wet grass off the pitch and aling some broken glass.
1996- dropping brick onto foot.

Broke 2 toes.

I’m not going to do it.
I’m not going to tell the carrot story again.

I have no insanely stupid scars but my dad can top your stories. Standing behind his brother who was practicing his golf swing and steadily creeping up on him in that annoying younger brother fashion. Brother warns him not to get to close and proceeds to practice. Father ignores warning. End result, golf club to the face. It detached the side of his nostril from his face. He has a nice scar there now.

1981, 18 years old, just about as young and dumb as you can get. This is one of those “Look at those crazy kids” who drink and do acid, scar. My best friend and I were totally polluted and decide to pretend fight with a pair of brass knuckles and a 12in hunting knife. You know, swing knife, block with brass knuckles. I have a tiny little scar on the tip of my nose from the knife. It amazes me that any of my friends and I survived that period of our lives. How’s that for insanely stupid.

Hmm. When I was 3-4 yrs. old, I too snuck up on my older brother, except he was swinging a baseball bat. It knocked out two teeth and gave me a small lump of scar tissue over the left side of my mouth that I have to this day. Three stiches.

When I was 6, I was jumping on the couch after being told not to. I fell right on the edge of a wooden coffee table and split my forehead open. Five stiches.

When I was fifteen (maybe this is more my mother’s stupidity than mine) I had developed a small bump apout the size of half a pea on my left shoulder. I had actually had this bump ever since getting the chicken pox about 6 years before. It made my mom nervous, so she took me to the doctors office and had him cut it off! (My relationship with my mother radically changed after this whole experience) I now had a 3-in gash in my left shoulder that was sore as hell. I had my first junior-varsity football game coming up that weekend, so the stiches were removed that Friday. After the game I was taking off my shoulder pads and noticed my whole left shoulder was soaked with blood. The scar had ripped open, and I could see my shoulder bone moving underneath the muscle layer. Amazingly enough, I had never felt a thing. Another trip to the doctor, where he sewed it up again, using deeper stitches. Which left a big scar. That I have to this day.

When I was 19 and working as a survey hand, I was chopping my through through a bunch of brush with a razor-sharp machete. The blade caught on something just as I lifted my leg to step over a log. I yanked on it, and it sprung free and sank a quarter-inch into my right knee. No stitches, but I still have a nice three inch scar.

When I was younger (14 or so) I was shaving with the usually relatively dull razor Mom and I shared (no diseases). It didn’t make me stop and think when I nick off a chunk of my ankle so I went ahead and bore down as I usually had to. I can still remember the feeling of shaving off my shin, the look of the white “bony” flesh underneath and the sudden rush of blood.


If I blamed Mom at all for no warning, she got hers when she went use the razor and found the strip of dead skin in it.


If you still want a copy of the X-ray, talk to the hospital where you had it done. Contact the Radiology Department there and ask if you can obtain a copy. They have to keep them on file so you should be able to obtain one relatively easily. (Probably with a small fee…$5 or $10 USD)

carrot story, carrot story, carrot story…

Good thread. Here’s my contribution:

  1. Forehead scar caused by mom - My mom asked me to help her with some garden work a couple years ago. A sycamore limb that was hanging over the garden was blocking sunlight and it had to go. The plan was for mom to cut the limb with her electric chain saw and I was supposed to catch it and keep it from falling on her tomato plants. Despite my pleading with her that the limb was probably a lot heavier than it looked and that this probably wasn’t the best plan, I went along with it. Yep, the damn thing fell on my head and knocked me to the ground. Hours of plastic surgery later, I’ve got a tiny scar on my forehead to remind me that mom isn’t ALWAYS right.

  2. Knee operation scar - I twisted my knee as a kid while playing tackle football. I ignored the signs that I had really injured myself and let a few years go by. Next thing you know, I have to go in for major cartilage work. Now I have a big scar on the side of my knee and my knee hurts every time it rains.

  3. “Wussy test” scar on the back of my hand - Stupid grade school thing… Many kids who went to my elementary school have the same scar. Basically, you allowed someone to scratch the back of your hand 500 times with their fingernail. If you couldn’t take the pain and pulled your hand away, you were a wussy. Of course, I went the distance and have a scar to prove it. I’m such a dipshit sometimes.

  4. BB gun scar on my thigh - One of those “1-pump” BB gun fights that quickly escalated to a 4-pump BB gun fight, which escalated further into a 10-pump BB gun fight. This is one of those injuries you can’t tell your parents about. The BB was removed from my thigh with a Swiss Army Knife.

  5. Burn mark on my calf - When I was about 10, some friends and I bought some smoke bombs and got some kicks taping them to our bikes, lighting them, and riding down the street. One of the smoke bombs flamed out while I was riding and burnt a hole in my calf. Ouch.

  6. Scar on my lip - When I was a toddler, I fell and split my lip on a coffee table. The scar is still visible. When chicks ask about it, I usually make up a story that involves Hell’s Angels and pool cues. :wink:

  7. Scratch on my arm - I’m the only guy I know that can get a scar playing Wiffle Ball. Someone hit the ball over a chain link fence. I pulled out the bottom of the fence and tried to reach underneath to retrieve the ball. Lost my grip and the sharp edge of the fence plunged into my forearm.

Wanna confuse me? Ask me how many tetanus boosters I’ve had in my life. Hmmm…

When I was about ten I tried to cut the hand off of my Luke Skywalker action figure, because I was in the process of simulating the duel in Cloud City from the Empire Strikes Back. Anyhow, being ten, I hadn’t quite grasped the physics of Swiss Army Knives yet, and it somehow closed on the little finger of my right hand, leaving a good quarter-inch deep gash. That was pretty stupid.

Oh, and one time when my dad was little he sat on a SWK (what is it with my family and those things?) because some kid in his boy scout troop thought it would be funny to leave it open, blade up, on his bus seat. But that was more a result of somebody else’s stupidity…

Remember what moms always said about running through the house? I was about 7, and at the babysitter’s house, who also had a 7 year old son. The son was chasing me through the house, and in the den, he caught me by catching my shirt-tail. The physics behind my running and him catching me by the middle, caused me to bend forward–with my chin hitting the corner of an end table.

Mom didn’t think it required stitches, so I have a very cute little scar on the underside of my chin, about 1/2" long.

I have a few scars from doing stupid things. When I was about 8 or 9 years old I came home from school only to find that my brother had locked me out. He locked the screen door and the other door so I started beating on the screen door telling him to let me in. After about 5 minutes of this I started pounding on the screen door with my fist. Just as my fist connected with the glass my brother opened the other door and my fist went through the glass. The cut ran from my the top pinky knuckle, down the outside of my hand almost to my wrist. It was really deep around the knuckle because you could see the bone/grisel of the knuckle. I didn’t get stitches but my brother got his ass chewed!

Then when I was about 15 I was washing the dishes and I stuck my hand with the rag down into a glass and turned the glass around the rag. I must have been squeezing the glass because it broke as I started turning it and it cut my thumb knuckle ans the outside of my pinky. (On the same hand.) Now these cuts were really deep and I had to go to the hospital. I had soaked up a dishtowel with blood by the time we got there and I ended up with 4 stitches in my thumb knuckle and two in my pinky. I still have the scars too.

Another time, when I was about 8 months pregnant with my first child I came home and started eating my pint of sherbet just like I did every day. I started sneezing violently and my nose started bleeding. I didn’t think too much about it because I got nose bleeds every morning when I was pregnant. (very common thing when pregnant) I started to worry when the bleeding didn’t stop but was literally running out of my nose. I stood over the bathroom sink and just watched it run out of me. I called my mom who called an ambulance for me. They came out and squeezed my nose together and put an ice pack on the back of my neck. After about 10 minutes of pinching, and me swallowing about a gallon of blood and all the huge blood clots, it stopped. They waited a few minutes and said to call them again if it started again. About 5 minutes after they left it started and we drove to the hospital. I had soaked up one bath towel with blood at home and another one on the way to the hospital and I was trying to spit out the huge clots that were forming and sliding down my throat gagging me. The doctor put some liquid cocaine up my nose and packed my nose with a huge cotton plug. It looked like a tampon and it really hurt when he pushed it up there. I went around with this tampon in my nose for 1 1/2 days and they pulled it out and i was fine. He asked me what started the nosebleeds and I told him how hard I was sneezing. He said that I had popped a blood vessel way far back in my nose where the nose connects with the throat and that’s why the clots wouldn’t hold.


From below is the best view of Rachelle!!!

When I was 8, and living in Del City, Oklahoma, I received a new bicycle. I pedaled over to my friends’ house, who proceeded to show me his new boy scout knife. He said he would let me play with his knife, if I let him ride my bike. Deal!

I played with it for awhile, then got bored and decided to close it, promptly aquiring the ‘k’ shaped scar on the side of my right index finger.
I walked home after putting his knife on the porch, and for some bizarre reason I let the blood drip into my other hand until it got full, then I’d throw it on the ground; so if anyone was trailing me, they’d see this large splat of blood about every twenty feet! After returning from the hospital sporting a brand new set of sutures, I learned that my friend had wrecked my bike, gaining a broken leg in the process.

Another time, in '70, this time in Germany, my brother and I had a toy bow and arrow set. We got bored with just shooting at the target, and decided to shoot each other, taking turns. We didn’t want to hurt each other, so we took the suction cup off and put a foam-rubber ball on instead, which worked wonderfully. Right up to the point where I shot him between the eyes, and he started hollering and bleeding. Turns out that with each successive hit, the arrow shaft drove a little deeper through the ball (Physics, 101) until on that last shot, it penetrated all the way through, and left my brother with a semi-circular scar on his forehead.

I figured I’d get at least one more scar for that last post…

I got as far as Lizard, maybe a third of the way down page one, and I am too sick to continue.

Now kelli, we’ve discussed this before.

Here at the SDMB, we insist that our women go all the way down. A third of the way just don’t cut it, sweety.

Oh, and you need to wipe your chin too, hon.

What. You don’t like looking at me from the top? I’m under you now so look down and tell me what you think.