Scary! Countdown to Tradgey.
A little girl named “Ice”? A mother who has had her infant taken away for abuse smuggling an ice-pick into her room? Vegatarian starvation diets?

God protect this poor child from her massively creepy mother.

My most cynical part, the part of me I don’t like, says–“Start the funeral prparations, 'cause you’re gonna need them.” :eek:

The thought of what’s going through this woman’s head is chilling.

That is disturbing on multiple levels.

Bosda, I don’t know why you torture yourself by reading such drivel, dear.

The article has a plainly snarky tone, which makes me suspicious of the reported “facts”.

In and of itself, there’s nothing wrong with a vegan diet. Nor is there anything inherently wrong with childbirth at home, two-inch boot heels, or earrings.

Sensationalism. Feh.

Ummm…there is something wrong with vegetarianism in infants.

They need the fat content.

There’s nothing suspect about the facts here. This has been followed by mainstream NY media since the kid was taken away last year.

I am fairly sure there’s a perfectly healthy way to raise an infant as a vegan. These nitwits did not know it, and almost killed the little girl. Let’s hope they go to prison, where they belong.

Aren’t all infant diets vegetarian? I imagine a** vegan** diet is not good for babies, because it eliminates dairy products.

I was also wondering why the article mentioned what she was wearing.

I guess I’m not understanding why this woman is charged with first-degree assault.

The only section that could possibly apply is 3) and while I don’t condone malnourishing a child I seriously hope that choosing not to feed a child a commercial formula can’t reasonably be interpreted as “depraved indifference.” Based on the information presented in the story and absent some compelling information from the prosecution were I on the jury I’d have to vote to acquit.

Yes Bosda you are right about vegan diets for infants. Guess I didn’t quite finish my thought out ! :slight_smile:

Infant brains need fat to develop their brains. That is why skim milk is not recommended for infants.

She should have supplemented the baby’s diet with something to provide fat. IIRC she mentions this herself somewhere in the article.

Even a vegan diet can contain fats and the calories a child requires. However, vegan mothers might be well advised to breast feed as long as possible - as long as 2 or 3 or even 4 years, as women do in cultures with a long history of vegetarian customs. Certainly, since our culture does not impart good eating habits of any sort, much less healthy vegan habits, consulting a nutritionist in regards to infant needs and a vegan diet might be a wise investment in a child’s health.

Certainly, children are not miniature adults and do have different dietary needs. A proper and adequate diet for an adult is not a proper one for an infant or toddler - or even a teenager.

3 is most defnitely the one that applies. These folks didn’t just choose not to feed the kid formula, the child weighed 10 pounds at 15 months, could not sit up or crawl, and had a distended belly from hunger. Anyone who thinks that’s just a dietary choice is deranged. That’s depraved indifference to the child’s health.