This question is for liberal Democrats and anyone else who can put themselves in their mindset.
Imagine an unusual sort of politician for either party, respected but not famous. Named Pat. I’m not specifying gender, party, or region of origin. Religion is unspecified Christian, hardly ever goes to church and it’s not always the same one. Background is: ten years in Congress promoting legislation in line with Pat’s ideology (see below). Previously, was a manager and then executive at a small chain of home appliance stores (profitable in the 90s; barely breaking even since the recession began). No real surprises in the “scandals & gaffes” department, maybe an inexplicable gift from a lobbyist, or a joke at a fundraiser that sounded dirty, but nothing so horrible as a unidirectional microphone.
For some reason, you can put this politician in the White House. (Maybe you’re head of a strangely influential mass movement, or you have superpowers, or whatever.)
Pat’s views are typical of the Democratic left / OWS on such matters as withdrawing from Afghanistan (ASAP), the PATRIOT Act (repeal it or gut it), health care, environmental protection, etc.
On the other hand, Pat is hotly against affirmative action in the extended public sector (i.e., both government agencies and organizations receiving taxpayer funding), and seeks to prohibit race being used as a “plus factor” by any institution taking as much as a dime of taxpayer money.
Also, Pat is in favor of an enormous reduction in legal and illegal immigration (say, 80%), favoring both smaller numbers of visas issued, and a rapid completion to the border fence. The 20% that don’t get stopped at the border are those with the best job skills, clean criminal records, etc.
Pat wants to end all foreign aid.
Pat opposes all tightening of Federal gun control laws but doesn’t seek to repeal any either.
You have a choice.
You can choose to flip a coin.
Heads means Obama wins re-election with a healthy coattail effect (ideological allies predominate in a D-controlled Congress).
Tails means Romney wins the election with a healthy coattail effect (ideological allies predominate in an R-controlled Congress).
Or you can choose Pat with a healthy coattail effect (ideological allies predominate in Congress, so much that Pat’s policies are likely to go into effect).
What do you choose?