Screen names starting with Ink

I’m not accusing anyone of anything, that’s why this is here and not in the pit. But how many "Ink"s are there? There’s been Inky, Inkz, and now Inky-. Are you the same person? Have you had to change your screen name? I’m just confused because in the past Inky and Inkz have posted very funny stories in a very similar style and I was sure, until I checked the screen names, that they were the same person.

So, again, no wild sock-puppet accusations, I’m just wondering how many "Ink"s there are or if, because of e-mail changes or whatnot, they are actually the same person.

Did I miss a memo?

Thanks :slight_smile:

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

The Kat House
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How many Inks are there? I don’t have an inkling.


I know for sure that Inky and Inkz are one and the same. Inky moved to Australia awhile back and got a new ISP, so he had to get a new screen name (InkZ). Apparently, he’s moved back now, and needed a new one again. His quote from the old landlady about the fags giving her hollyhocks white spots in the Do You Ever Feel Bad About Feeling Good When Someone Dies? thread is classic Inky/z.

BTW, Inky is my hero.

Just curious - how does changing ISP’s necessitate changing screen names? I post via more than one ISP, and if you (presumably) know your password, you can change your e-mail address to a new ISP.

I think there are less Ink’s than there are Cat/Kat/Kitten posters, and I swear, I need a program to tell them apart…


“It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.”
–James Thurber

But, TT, can you name us all without checking? :wink:

Your Official Cat Goddess since 10/20/99.

Hey, I like that hat, man. They sell men’s clothes where you got that?