SDMB Fantasy Football big league (league full)

Yeah, I just took a look. I think an email to support is in order, because they didn’t think through that feature too well.

When it comes down to it, any draft date will work. I’d say a week later would be better to get past the third week of preseason, but I’m not in the league so don’t drive yourself crazy trying to accomodate me. heh.

EDIT after seeing your EDIT: Makes sense.

In the all-pro league we just determined our draft order randomly ahead of time. I send one guy a request to give me the names in the league in a random order, and another guy to give me the numbers 1 through 20 in random order. Then I match up the numbers to determine the draft order. It’s random, but you know weeks ahead of time instead of a half hour, so you can better research your draft position.

It’s even more important for a bigger league - drafting, say, #3 and #37 overall requires different research than drafting #18 and #22.

I’ll be sending out PMs.

Been on vacation so I couldn’t weigh in much, but as far as the draft goes, just so long as it is at, or after, 6:00pm Pacific if on a weekday, it’ll work for me.

I compiled a list of the information we have so far about our players.

SDMB name - Team name - team fandom - location - other FF leagues they’re in

If anyone would like to make suggestions as to how we should organize our divisions, or add information to this list, please do.

We don’t have to have a perfect system that fits everything - if we could make 2 divisons that have a theme or connecting factor and the other 2 divisions are just the rest of the people randomly distributed - that’s still less random than what we have now.

SenorBeef - Exploding Pancakes - Browns fan - Vegas - All pro/auction leagues
stink pot fish - stinkers
justin bailey - gusterrhoids - giants - new york
It’s not rocket surgery! - Team Ed Gruberman - giants fan
Jules Andre - Quentin’s Jammers - eagles fan - all pro/auction leagues
dalej42 - can start at 9:30et - phoenix redbirds - cards fan
oakminster - antonican druids - saints
boozahol squid, PI - cobra kai - massachussets - auction league
tds1273 - curry porkrinds - seahawks fan - after 6pm PST
frosted glass - frosted lightning - giants fan - pittsburgh - all pro league
taber - donte’s torino - packers or chargers
uncle brother walker - unrelated siblings - cowboys - washington dc
mhendo - master baiters - ravens fan - san diego
stringer - team unknown (probably bear down) - bears fan
southern yankee - the southern yankees - panthers fan - north carolina
varlos - Varlos’ Zzzzzzz - NYC - auction league, keeper league
kid a - kid a - all pro league
retrovertigo - no use for a name II (assuming based on name)
d_odds - court jesters - all pro league

owner unknown - Fightin’ Quakers

I’m in Northern Kentucky, and also in the auction league.

Fightin’ Quakers is furt, who is an Eagles fan. I believe he lives in the greater Philadelphia area, but that’s just an assumption based on him being an Eagles fan and naming his fantasy team Quakers.

furt always uses the team name Fightin’ Quakers, so it’s easy to tell which leagues he’s in.

I’m not sure how many owners are in the Auction and All-Pro leagues as well as this one, but I’m one of them and for what it may be worth, I wouldn’t mind 3 drafts in 4 days, or 10 drafts in 6 days.

For what its worth the drafts being close together doesn’t bother me.

Confirming this.

We have our draft order.

Justin Bailey sent me the randomized names:

Varlos’ Zzzzzzz
The Gusterrhoids
Exploding Pancakes
No Use For A Name II
Unrelated Siblings
Master Baiters
Fightin’ Quakers
Quentin’s JAMmers
Antonican Druids
Cobra Kai
Phoenix Redbirds
Bear Down
The Southern Yankees
Court Jesters
Team Ed Gruberman
Donte’s Torino
Curry Porkrinds

VarlosZ sent me the randomized numbers:


Matching those up, we get an order of:

  1. Phoenix Redbirds
  2. Master Baiters
  3. Cobra Kai
  4. The Southern Yankees
  5. Bear Down
  6. Stinkers
  7. Unrelated Siblings
  8. The Gusterrhoids
  9. Donte’s Torino
    10.Team Ed Gruberman
    11.Curry Porkrinds
    12.Antonican Druids
    13.Fightin’ Quakers
    14.Varlos’ Zzzzzzz
    16.Court Jesters
    17.Exploding Pancakes
    18.Quentin’s JAMmers
    19.No Use For A Name II

I’m happy to set up any kind of custom schedule you like. If interested, let me know the scheduling rules you want implemented and I should be able to spit out an unbiased, fully randomized schedule within 48 hours.

EDIT: In case people skimmed and don’t know why I’m offering, yahoo scheduling ignores divisions, which is kinda missing the point. As a programmer I can easily set up a shuffled schedule that’s based on teams in a division playing each other more, like in the NFL. Since I’m not in the league, I don’t care who plays who. And I happen to be well versed in how to properly shuffle sequences, which is actually trickier than you might think.

I’m open to any schedule, but I like the idea of 4 divisions. I don’t have any preference for how they get set up.

To clarify, I am open to drafting before 6:00 PM on the weekends, just not work days; though do try and be fair to us left-coasters and try not to do a 5-6 AM start time, if possible.

Haven’t done a football league this deep; fourteen teams was my previous max. Stoked at my draft position, though it does increase the pressure to make good use of it.

By the way, I’m leaning towards just sticking with our current draft time of Thursday, Aug 27 at 9pm eastern. We’d gain a little more information by waiting a few days, I think weekdays usually work better for people (maybe I’m wrong) and this spreads the drafts out a bit more. So if you feel like it should be changed, chime in now and tell us.

Anyway - if you can’t make the live draft, then please at least rank a significant number of players. Drafting is half the fun and just going through a default draft list is boring. If you can’t make the draft, and you can’t pre-rank, I’d appreciate if you gave up your spot to other people who I know to be good, active players and can make the draft. I’m hoping to see at least 15 people at the live draft. It would be great if we could have a full live draft.

If you want to bow out for any reason - changed your mind, signed up for too many leagues, whatever, that’s fine - like I said we’ve got good, active players ready to jump in. Just do it sooner rather than later please.

Like I said - it’s totally fine if you’re new or bad at fantasy football - it’s mostly the a legitimate effort to play well that I’m looking for.

I am actually going to bow out. I got sucked in to my 3rd pay league at work yesterday, and I know there are folks here who wanted to get in but missed the cutoff, so I’ll give up my spot. Do I need to do anything at the league website or can the Commish take me off? Have fun guys!

I’ll take care of it.

I hope I didn’t pressure to you bow out. I was more… reminding everyone that we had alternates if they’ve changed their mind about the league.

I’ve been spoiled the last few years by having high participation leagues - but if you get in a league where people half-ass it and don’t even replace inactive players in their starter positions it’s depressing. I just wanted to prevent that. As long as everyone makes an honest effort to make the draft (or at least pre-rank) and makes sure their roster every week has active players, I’m happy.

Nope, no pressure at all. I usually try and stick to two leagues per season, and I would have been up to 4 this year so, I don’t need to hog all the fun.

Since there doesn’t seem to be much objection, I’m going to go ahead and solidify the current draft date of Thursday, August 27th at 9pm eastern. Please cancel all your plans. Say “screw you” to the wife’s family, refuse the schedule BJ you have from a supermodel, skip work, whatever you have to do. FF drafting is serious business.

I’ll take a stab at coming up with some sensible division system in the next few days. I’m open to suggestions. If you have a history or rivalry with someone, I can match you guys up. I may put myself in the same divsion with Jules Asner for that reason - I get to crush his hopes in possibly up to 4 FF leagues this year.

Yahoo has provisions for pre-draft trading of draft picks, with the caveat that all teams must have an equal number of picks in the end - so if you trade your 3rd and 5th rounder for someone’s 2nd rounder, they’d have to throw in their 15th (or whatever) too just to round it out.

Feel free to post about it here, or you can contact other people using the PM system or the in-league e-mail system. If anyone objects to being contacted this way please post about it. Just tell me whatever agreement you’ve come to, and I’ll make the changes.

Something I haven’t thought about occured to me. The final roster cuts don’t happen until Sep 5. Because we’re going to be having an extremely deep draft, there will probably be people we draft that don’t make their teams if we draft before Sep 5.

In other news, for some reason yahoo is now allowing me to set the draft date on Tuesday Sep 8, and Wednesday Sep 9, when before the 7th was the last possible date. We discussed on here drafting on the 8th before we realized yahoo wouldn’t allow it.

Given that it would benefit this league to draft after the preseason and after the final round of cuts (can’t believe I didn’t think about that one), I suggest we move the draft to Tuesday, Sep 8, at 9pm eastern. Any problems? with that?

Gives me more time to drink…

I mean… More time to scout rookies for the late round picks…

Yeah, that’s what I meant to <hic> say…