SDMB "Getting In Shape" Support Group II

I am starting a new thread for the SDMB “Getting In Shape” Support group, the original one was getting quite LARGE. I thought it was about time for the charter members to check in.

Thing are looking DOWN for me. Which is great, my blood pressure dropped to 130/90 (down 10). I have lost 10 pounds in the last month! I have also gone down 3 inches in waist size. Woo-hoo!

The hardest part about this whole thing: I miss my booze!

I now work out two times a week (for about an hour), and I play squash once a week, also for an hour. People that haven’t seen me in a bit tell me I look thinner!

I don’t have scales, so I have no idea of my weight. It’s not an issue anyway, it’s the cosmethics of it all.

[sub]Plus, of course, more sex. But that goes without saying.[/sub]


Scales can deceive. If you're lifting weights, you can build muscle mass, which is denser than fat (smaller waist at same body weight). Don't worry about the scale.


I take it you gained some, Bob? Don’t worry about it in the light of the recent things that happened to you, mate. You can always worry about your weight later. It’s trivial, compared to some things :frowning:

lurkernomore: I don’t do any power training at all. My muscles are fine as they are - which is average, but I don’t like the look of an extremely muscular torso anyway. I only do things that get the heart rate up: burning the damn stuff is the only way to lose it!

Besides, muscular excersises may increase the muscles, but the fat mostly remains. Doesn’t get rid of that ol’ beer gut. At least that what my trainer said.

I’ve lost almost 20 pounds now (2 months). I didn’t go to the gym for a week when I was housesitting in Williamsburg, but I went jogging one morning and did a lot of walking. I also ate good, healthy food.

Now I’ve started up with the gym every morning again. I’m still eating well, but I’m doing a lot of boozing, so I’m not losing as much as I probably would.

Also, I’ve been smoking like crazy - maybe to make up for the lack of grease in my diet.

Best is to combine the two. Resistance exercise raises the metabolic rate (muscle is metabolically active, fat is not) and decreases body fat percentage. It is hard, however, to keep your heartrate up unless you are circuit training machines in a nearly empty gym. You can sit on a lifecycle 40 minutes, can’t do bench presses that long. As far as muscularity goes, all the lifting won’t help unless you have low body fat - check out an NFL lineman. You burn more exercising aerobically, and you won’t lose unless you burn more than take in.

OK, I need advice. I need to get into shape, I have low energy and am tired often. I know this is due to my sad state of physical well being. But I don’t know where to start. I used to dance, but screwed up my knees doing African dance, so anything that is high impact on the knees (running, aerobics) is out. I walk a lot, but I need to start getting some serious workouts in. I can go to the gym at school, but I just don’t know where to start with something that will whip my sad self into shape without further aggrivating my knees. I’ve been to physical therepists, and their advice is to do something and “if it hurts, stop doing it.” Great. Then I’ll hobble around for two days in a brace, doc.

I’m considering shelling out the $50 a semester and taking power yoga. Any other thoughts?

SW - try a bike - no impact, as your feet don’t leave the pedals. You can read on a stationary bike. Many of the benefits of running, and you’re not outside while it rains.
Good aerobic work. Gonna ride myself today.

Hey Swimming Riddles, Yoga is a great way to get into shape! Go for it. If you don’t want to shell out the dough, there are great yoga videos and books out there.

I just joined a gym so I can start swimming again. I look terrible in a swimsuit now, but soon I will look great. I want to get back into shape so I can keep up with my son.

I’ve lost 5. Har har har!

Does your gym have an elliptical trainer? It is a combination of a treadmill and a stairstepper. You go through actual running motions, bu no impacts to your knees or shins. You feet never come off the supports.

I find it better than a stationary bike. Especially if you pump your arms when “running.”

I have not been able to lift weights for the past month or so because of my herniated disc. I am both looking forwared and dreading my first workout (which I’m hoping w/be next week after I get clearance from my ortho). Dreading it because I know I will be sore as hell, since I haven’t lifted anything heavier than my laptop computer in the past 4 weeks. Looking forward to it because I want to get back into my routine. I’m going to work the next three sessions with my PT because I need someone to watch me like a hawk on form.

The good thing is I have been sticking with my eating program for the most part, so I haven’t gained anything despite my couch potato lifestyle.

It looks likely that I’ll be having back surgery in the near future as well, so I guess I better get used to being a couch potato again.

Being another knee cripple (ACL & MCL torn) myself, I was advised by my orthopedic surgeon that swimming laps was about the lowest impact & one of the best aerobic exercises that I could possibly do.

Plus, unless the pool is too warm, swimming’s a relatively comfortable exercise- not hot & sweaty. There’s nothing worse than a body-temperature pool- feels like swimming in a giant pool of chlorinated sweat. Naaaasty.

He also recommended stationary cycling- as a matter of fact, he mandated it as part of my rehab, so I guess it’s not too tough on the knees either. I just don’t like it as much as swimming.

Mountain biking on the other hand… now that’s exercise!

Damn hiatal hernia. I’m on Tagamet and a bland, bleech diet now. Ugh. At least my stomach now wants to stay with the rest of my guts. And I did manage to lose a couple of pounds (also no scale) - a skirt that was a little tight is a bit looser.

I’ll translate this from Cynicalese to English. He means he just spend USD 5 at yet another Grease Burger Joint.

Someone always beats me to it. I was gonna start a thread like this just today!

I quit smoking almost 3 weeks ago, and I’ve been eating whatever I want. That’s coming to an end after this Sunday. I gave myself permission for that long as a way to get over the smoking hump.

I’m REALLY fat. I mean really. No, I wouldn’t kid you about a thing like that and no, I’m not being hard on myself. I’m what the medical profession likes to call “morbidly obese”…isn’t THAT an attractive way of putting it!

Anyway, I seem to be undergoing some sort of transformation. While I have been swimming about 1/3 mile daily for months, I’ve suddenly gotten inspired to do more. And it’s feeling great. On top of the swimming I’ve been doing full workouts on my weight machine, covering every body part at least once, plus dance/aerobics (15 min) and I’ve been walking my dog every day about 4 blocks.


I also ordered some yoga tapes designed specifically for “round bodies” and I’m looking into Pilates and step aerobics. Once we make some room in the home gym, I’m going to install my recumbant cycle in there.

Hey…wouldn’t it be great if I traded nicotine and food addiction for fitness addiction? I read magazine stories all the time about these obese women who just wake up one day, say “no more” and end up as aeorbics instructors 2 years later. I always wanted that to be me. And why? Cuz I wanna live to be old, grey, and fabulous.


Swimming, I would recommend Pilates classes. I took some last year after I broke my leg - they are really tough but work really well.

Pilates exercises were designed by Joseph Pilates for invalids and people who had joint trouble or injury. There are machines, but I like the classes that just take place on mats. It’s a lot of ab and lower back work and it’s terribly exhausting, but you see a difference in a few weeks. The class I took was filled with ballet and modern dancers.

The classes in NY are super expensive, but my mom started taking them in Wisconsin, where they cost $30 for seven weeks (unheard of!). I have a book at home that lists locations and phone numbers of instructors - I’ll look up Vermont for you if you’re interested. Here’s a website for more info:

I swim every morning (I’ve been up since 4:30 am ugh), but the pool is getting more and more crowded lately - I think people are getting inspired by the Olympic swimmers or something. It’s also good exercise after injury, but it’s time-consuming with all the changing, showering, drying, etc.

I thought some newer joiners might want to read the original thread, too–for motivation and like that… :slight_smile:


Running in water is great for people with knee problems too! All you need is a floatation belt and a swim suit. Some wear those new “in water” sneakers, but they really aren’t necessary as your feet aren’t coming in contact with the bottom of the pool.

Good luck!