Last year’s thread which I will mostly just be repeating here.
Those of you who played last year should have an invite in your e-mail or you can sign up through the information in the thread. Survival leagues don’t have a re-invite option so you’ll have to sign up for that separately.
To everyone else:
Everyone is invited to play - it’s not like fantasy football where you have head to head matchups every week, everyone plays against the whole league, so if you end up dropping out mid-season it’s not a big deal. So try anything you want.
Pick 'em:
In NFL Pick 'em leagues, each player predicts the outcome of every NFL game. There are three different types, and we run all three. You can join any or all of them.
Straight up: You simply pick the winner of each game, and get a point if correct.
Spread: A spread is determined for a game (like with sports betting), where one team has a certain amount of points given to them, and you have to pick the game with that adjustment taken into account.
Confidence: The most complex one, but in my view also the most fun. There are no spreads, so you pick the winner straight up. But you get a confidence value you can assign to every game, 1 through the number of games being played that weekend, and can only use each number once. So if there are 16 games that weekend, you’ll assign the confidence number 16 to the game where the outcome seems most clear to you, 15 for the next one, all the way down to 1 for the one you’re least sure of. If you pick correctly, the confidence value of your pick is added to your weekly score. If you only play one league, I suggest the confidence league.
Each player picks one team that has to win each week. If your picked team fails to win, you get a strike. You can only use each team once. Three strikes and you’re out.
These leagues can hold up to 50 players each, so we’re not really at risk for filling up, and you’re competing against the whole league, not one other team per week like fantasy football, so it’s not a big deal if you end up dropping out. I’d like for everyone to play all the way through the season, but it won’t hurt anyone if you don’t, so feel free to sign up if you’re only a little interested. The more the merrier.
Sign up page for pick 'em
Sign up page for survival
The password on all groups is cecil. The group numbers are:
Straight pick 'em: 29491
Spread: 29494
Confidence: 29505
Survival: 19749