SDMB Weight Loss Club, August

Whew! Not lately is right! It’s supposed to hit the triple digits here today, even in Cumberland! The heat index is projected to be somewhere around 110! :eek:

In good news, another new low this morning: 197.8; about another 1/2lb. since yesterday! :cool:

That is good news!

New low for me, too. 225.3. If only I could have pooped before I weighed myself, I would have hit the 50 pound mark.

Yay! Great news all around! :slight_smile:

Here you sit all broken-hearted, tried to … never mind. :smiley:

WhyNot, that recipe looks good, and highly adaptable. I’d add some beans and diced tomatoes to give it a little more oomph, but that would make it a whole one or two points a serving, which is fine.

HA! (Oh God, I’m glad I’m not the only one who has thoughts like that!)

Exactly. It’s a good starting off point to making your own, better, lowfat lowcal soup.

I tried the Balsamic Chicken with Mushrooms (3 points) recipe last night, paired with the Zesty Tomato Salad (0 points) and good ol’ Uncle Ben’s wild rice box mix (4 points). Fantastic dinner which filled both my plate and my belly. I highly recommend both of those recipes.

(Is it okay to post recipe links and meal ideas here? 'Cause I could use some as well. Or should we start another thread for that? And also, are these Weight Watchers recipe links coming up okay for non-WW members who are interested, or should I copy them into another source for y’all?)

That chicken sounds delicious. Actually, I’m mostly drooling over the mushrooms, which I never make because my husband hates them. I’m going to make a bunch of them for myself soon anyway, and he can just have chicken with nothing sauce. :wink:

The chicken is dredged in the sauce (they call it a “marinade” but it doesn’t need to sit) and cooked with it, and then the mushrooms added later, so he can easily have yummy Balsamic Chicken without the icky mushrooms. And more mushrooms for you! :stuck_out_tongue:

My clothes don’t fit, I sweat like crazy, I eat nothing but crap, and I get no exercise because law school is my life. I’m the biggest I’ve ever been in both pounds and inches.

So today, I’ve decided to do something about it. I’ve done WW in a half-assed fashion more times than I can count. I’ll have some success (5-10 lbs) and then figure I can just eyeball it. You’d think that I would learn by now.

Working out is just so easy to skip, but I’ve got to eat! So I’m fixing that. WW is such a great tool, and it’s a whole lot cheaper to bring my lunch (healthy, of course) than to buy it.

So here goes. With all of the losses this go 'round, it looks like you guys are good company to keep.

Welcome and good luck to you, Amazingrace!

Hi all! I posted a couple times (well, at least once) last year in this thread and just pop on occasionally to read how everyone is doing.

I give a big kudos to everyone who is just starting, have lost or have maintained (better to maintain when trying to lose than to gain, right?). Just to keep trying and getting back on track when you have fallen off is a huge accomplishment.

I just recently hit the 50 pound mark and it took me over a year and a half to do it (I originally only planned to lose 40 pounds, then as I lost I set my goal lower and lower so I am now at 128). Those first 30 pounds came off quick then it was like I hit a brick wall. What I noticed is that for those last 20 pounds I was usually consistent with what I ate, wouldn’t lose weight for weeks/months then in just 1-2 weeks I would drop 4-5 pounds then back to not losing. But even though I wasn’t losing I was noticing other things that showed me that I was heading in the right direction (clothes looser, more prominent collar bones, arms smaller, etc). I also didn’t mind losing slowly because I have learned to eat healthy while never depriving myself of anything, just eating in moderation. I have learned to find substitutions as well, such as making my own fajita quesadillas at home instead of going to my favorite mexican restaurant. And if I do find myself in that mexican restaurant making that one meal into three.

What an adventure this has been! I really feel that I have learned a lot and I am confident that I can keep eating like this for the rest of my life and not feel deprived.

Keep up the good work everyone!

Don’t know why, all of a sudden, my weight is dropping almost daily again, like it did when I was only a few months out. But I’m 196.4 this morning, down another 1.4lbs. from yesterday, and down 3lbs. this week. Hmmmm. Very odd. But I’ll take it, I’ll take it.

Welcome, Amazingrace.

Yep! And for me, more defined shoulders. It’s probably a result of lifting more than aerobics or eating better, but my shoulders actually have some shape now. They’re my favorite place to feel myself up now. (Except, you know. Thingy.) So that’s what my own muscle feels like. Interesting!

I just wish I could lose some fat in my face. Due to the fashion thread in MPSIMS, I shaved off the beard last night. Damn, I look lumpy and odd.

Welcome, Amazingrace! May you be our biggest loser! :slight_smile:

Ugh… so hi there everyone. I posted to these threads a couple years ago when I was gung-ho and was losing weight, feeling great, and generally speaking motivated.

Today my belly hangs-lo, gaining more and more weight daily, and not feeling so great. Motivation? Feh, screw that I am too tired. I also have very good health reasons to lose weight but even THAT doesn’t motivate me. F-ck.

I find myself mentally very upset at myself and wanting to get back in the gym, eat better, lose the weight and feel good. However, I just don’t do it. No follow-through or commitment to get started and over that hump.

One of the things that keeps discouraging me is how much work it took me last time. I was up to 225lbs and went down to a low of 175-ish. I bounced up and down a lot between 175-180 at my best point. However, to get to that point I was doing hour long cardio classes at the gym 3x a week. Lifting weights 1-2 times a week. I was using a software package to track every single item I ate. Usually, since I was eating a lot of stuff I cooked myself it involved entering in every single ingredient and the nutritional info to calculate the calories, etc. Constantly, several times a day, I was a slave to the software entering in every bite, every drink, every bit of exercise. Watching every calorie against my “allotment” for the day to stay on target with my weight loss goal. Of course the natural response to this was to stop eating a variety and settling in on a few staples so I’d not have to do so much data-entry. Not a good alternative. Anyway, I just can’t see putting that much effort in anymore, it is just requires more discipline than I can muster at the moment.

So why am I posting? Yea, good question.

Today I made it to the gym for the 2nd time this week. (Last Tuesday being the first). I rode my bike to the gym, about 1.5 miles each way. I did 30 minutes of elliptical and then rode my bike home. Not much, but a start. I went Tuesday and was fired up about going again today. This morning, it took everything I had to get into gym clothes and go. I did it but I didn’t like it. Kept telling myself “If not now, when?” until I got myself out the door. F–k that was hard to do. Now I have to go on Saturday, if I do it will be the first time in a year I’ve made it to the gym 3x a week which is what I always berate myself for not doing. I’m not doing much while at the gym but I’m trying to take a small victory in just getting there.

So hello everyone, good to see some familiar faces from awhile ago. I’m MeanJoe and I’m fat, unmotivated, and disgusted with myself but honestly not enough to truly drive me to “firmly commit” to doing something about it.

Sex: Male
Age: 38
Weight: 207 (08/09/07)
Height: 5’9
Waist: Most of my clothes are 36 waist but they’re tight and uncomfortable. I refuse to buy 38. Quick measure with tape shows 39… sigh Maybe I’m not measuring at the right spot?
Long Term Goal: 170 by ??/??/??
Short Term Goal: Make it to the gym on Saturday.


Heh. Nice to know I’m not the only one! My shoulders actually have distinguishable, individual bones in them now! I can’t tell you how many times a day I’ll put my hand inside my shirt just to marvel at that! :wink: :cool:

Welcome back, MeanJoe! One suggestion: if you use, you can “save” anything you enter the nutritional analysis for, instead of inputing it every time! It will also track your exercise for you.

Good luck!

MeanJoe if you are tired all the time you might want to see a doc first. I was always tired and my doc found a vitamin B deficiency. It drastically changed the quality of my life.

Good luck losing.

Khadaji - Thanks but I am 99% confident i know the source of my fatigue. I was diagnosed with Severe Obstructive Apnea. It significantly impacts my restorative sleep functions. One thing that will help me with that is to lose some of the weight.

Oh, and to be clear I am also lazy at the moment. :smiley:

Norinew - Thanks, it is good to see your still here and fighting the fight. The software I use also allows you to create/save recipes, etc. It was just that mental war of finding something “new” to eat but realizing that means creating it for that “first time”. Unfortunately due to a hard-drive failure I lost all those custom reciepes I had before so the idea of doing it all again is a bit discouraging.

Then again, to be completely honest and blunt with myself - it is damn easy right now to come up with a million and one excuses. Time to just suck it up.


Welcome back, MeanJoe.

If entering every single thing you eat into a database is such a pain that it discourages you, I suggest you stop doing that. After a few weeks of entering stuff, you can probably start to eyeball what healthy portions look like. Then you just get the fun of preparing light meals without all the heavy math.

And if going to the gym is a chore, find out some way to make it fun. Or find a way to exercise at home.

If losing weight is not fun, you won’t lose weight.

I’m having a crisis of motivation lately. Can’t be bothered to go on my long morning walks. (I made it on Monday this week so far). I don’t track what I eat and I know that I’m over eating. I drink too much. Blah!

I know what I want but I don’t want to work to get it. That seems to be a theme in my life right now as I’m also lacking the motivation to stick to any sort of practice regime in terms of my music.

This morning my weight is back up to 175 which sucks mightily.


tdn I’ll repeat what I said in the other thread, I like your face without the whiskers. I don’t think you look lumpy and odd, I find the clean shaved tdn more appealing and more…I don’t know…friendly looking. It’s as though I can see more of the person that you really are without the beard (as much as I can tell who that person is from what you write on this board). Anyway, I like it. Hope you get used to it.