SDMB Weight Loss Club, August

Well, I maintained this week, which is something, I guess. Better than gaining. Weight Watchers claims it’s not technically a plateau yet because my “average” weekly weight loss since week 4 is 1 pound per week. Of course, that’s because I had that lovely 5 pound drop while camping to skew my average. :dubious:

Well, I’ve got another 4 days of camping at the end of next week, maybe that will help! :smiley:

I did start exercising - twice this week I did the Gazelle; 30 minutes the first day, then a day off, then 35 minutes yesterday. My calves hurt. Wah. I’m going to try for another 30 minutes today. Right now, in fact. Cheerio!

Thanks again. :slight_smile: I got three more yes votes from coworkers. So that’s 4 to 1 in favor.

I’m right with you guys on the surprise of feeling BONES where there used to be nothing but chub. I have shadows on my chest now on either side of my sternum - no, I’m not anorexic and gross, but I have those slight shadows that thin women have. The day I noticed those at yoga, I stopped what I was doing and just stared.


Oh, hush you!


I’m going the excersize route mainly. Two weeks ago i was at 239, I weighed in at 233 today. That’s actually up from the 230 I was at on tuesday. I was fairly glutonous yesterday with the pizza and ice cream. The excersize was makliing me hungry I think.

Today I didn’t go jogging, I was just too exhausted. I think maybe I will lift some weights later today.

Thanks for the welcome all! I made it two days in a row of being accountable about my eating, which is (sadly) a pretty big accomplishment for me.

Not sad at all. It’s a huge step in the right direction! New habits are hard to form, so give yourself full credit for making a good start!

Yep. One day at a time.

I am somewhat discouraged today. I shouldn’t be, everyone keeps telling me how thin I am getting, but those damn scales just aren’t moving! :frowning:

LOL. Oh well, I guess I just try harder tomorrow.

::looks around nervously and waves::

Can I join, too?

I’ve been lurking on this thread for a while, and thinking ‘Well, maybe I should do something about my weight’. And I’ve finally come to the conclusion to do something.

Female, 5’7’’, 165 pounds, which is the heaviest I’ve ever been.

I used to have a job delivering in-company training, so I was running all round the city - good exercise (apart from the pollution).

Then I got a desk job and stopped exercising, pretty much, so my weight went up. Then my husband walked out, and I lost a ton of weight - I couldn’t eat because of the feelings of nausea, general worthlessness, etc. etc.

Then I put on some weight, and joined a gym with a pool, and was going regularly, but after New Year I got out of sync, and the totally crappy weather made it just too difficult for me to get my butt out of bed in the morning and get to the pool. And now I haven’t exercised for way too long, sedentary life style, eating too many snacks while I work, going out too much and eating restaurant food and drinking beer. It’s really starting to show in my body, and I don’t like it!

I joined SparkPeople at the suggestion of a friend, but it’s not doing it for me at all. Maybe a little friendly Doper support will have a better effect?

And kudos to all you losers!

Welcome to the club Surok. Good luck losing! :slight_smile:

Weight Watchers recommended weight for someone your height is in the range of 128 (under 25) to 160 pounds. What do you want to get down to?
(Chart here:

I’m not looking to lose a lot of weight - maybe 10 to 15 pounds (I feel much healthier around 150). It’s more a matter of getting a bit of encouragement to start watching my diet and get into an exercise routine, so that I don’t gain any more.

Winter will be here in a couple of months. The weather gets very nasty here, and exercise becomes even less of a likely proposition - it’s stay-at-home, curl-up-with-a-book-and-a-huge-unhealthy-sandwich season. I’d like to reform some habits, at least slightly, before that time of year comes round.

Can I stay in this thread? :slight_smile:

Of course! Welcome. I think Ging’ was asking a real question, not “testing” you or anything. Some of us have a lot we’re trying to lose, and some just a little. I’m on the “lot” end of things, **Ginger **was on the lot and now she’s closing in on you, so she’s seen both sides. Either way, it’s once day at a time and one pound (or, ugh, ounce) at a time, right?

In fact, I move (in this totally informal club of ours) that we “let” people stay in our club while they *maintain *their weight loss. That’s got to be just as hard as losing (I imagine) and just as in need of support. (Besides, it’s those of you who have already lost successfully that I most want advice from!)

I just wanted to make sure that you’re not planning to emaciate yourself. I’ve seen a lot (a LOT) of people over the course of my weight loss with no extra body fat, trying to lose weight. Just concerned, that’s all.

According to Met Life, a healthy weight for that height is 123 to 163. We try to narrow it down to exactly 140 for an exactly average woman of that height. For statistical purposes, that is. At our ideal BMI of 23, it would be 147. Dr. Willet’s somewhat unrealistic goal of the healthiest BMI, 19, would be 121.5.

Thanks, Ginger, I appreciate your concern, and I know people can go overboard.

And WhyNot, I’d agree that maintaining is as important as losing. I guess I understood the thread title to have the unseen ‘and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle’ in it.

Anyhow, I’m here, cheering all of us on, whether it’s a little or a lot that we’re losing.

Absolutely. Besides, I plan on changing nothing in my lifestyle once I reach my target weight. It’s a lifelong plan, and hopefully I’ll just settle in on my ideal weight and stay there.

I’ve had a history of neck pain and headaches. The neck pain flared up badly two weeks ago, keeping me immobile for three days with the mother of all stiff necks. It hurt very badly and triggered a migraine. I went to the doctor, tests, drugs, money, and I just got my MRI results: bulging and narrowed discs in my neck!

I’m confused about how they can be both bulging and narrowed, but I have an appointment Monday morning for a full physical and to discuss the MRI results more thoroughly. What they could tell me over the phone was to continue the gentle stretching exercises they gave me before, that I might need to see an orthopedist and a physical therapist, and to lose weight. So now I have yet another compelling medical reason to lose weight.

I want to have kids in the next few years, which wouldn’t be all that healthy for a person in my current shape (or the baby), but add the disc issues in and you have even more potential for badness. Between gaining extra pregnancy weight and actually giving birth, there’s no way my neck can take the strain in its current condition. Ugh, I’m kinda depressed, y’all. I’m trying to get healthier, but I don’t like thinking about it this way.

Ow, that sounds really painful, cbawlmer. :frowning:

Having had a bout of gastroenteritis, I’ve lost 2kg in 3 days. Perhaps not the best way to go about it…