SDMB Weight Loss Club, Number Four

purplycow, you’ll be able to hit that goal in about six weeks. All you gotta do it just keep at it.

Evening, all. A pretty good weekend. Lots of restaurants and fast food places around here are offering more salads and what they’re calling “Atkins plates,” though they’re certainly not Induction plates. No shoveling today, but we may see more snow by Tuesday. Handsawed more fallen branches and walked on my fake gazelle (from Sharper Image), ate homemade soup mostly. University’s back in session tomorrow, so I’ve already packed a big salad with chicken and an apple.

I’ll be back tomorrow night for my 1,000th post.

5’ 11" - 215/155/150 (since last January).

The holidays weren’t too unkind to me. I seem to have put on a pound or so, but then again, that might be water weight. I’m trying very hard at this point to concentrate on making my diet healthy rather than low-calorie, and after spending eleven months keeping the calorie count to around 1800 while getting adequate nutrition, it’s all too easy to add 500 calories of cookies or ice cream at night instead of eating extra fruit and veggies and protein throughout the day.

I got my body fat percentage checked a couple of weeks ago, and I’m supposedly at 19.7%, which I understand isn’t bad at all. I’m not even sure I need or want to lose that last five pounds at this point, but I certainly do need to concentrate on the exercise program if I want to keep on firming up. Unfortunately, the fitness director at the Y left just before Christmas, and they haven’t been able to replace her or even get subs to teach the morning step aerobics classes, which are the mainstay of my regime. I’m trying to use the treadmill and concentrate on strength training, but it’s hard for me to stay disciplined without someone egging me on.

Good work, everyone! Now that we have the holidays behind us, it should get easier to stay on track. Shouldn’t it?

I hit 195 this morning. Oh, finally, 60 pounds! I’ve been dancing around it for so long!


I’m thinking it’ll be easier to stay on track without all of the parties and drinking and temptations that the holidays normally bring. I guess, anyway - I didn’t really go off plan.

I had a nice milestone yesterday. I took my JC Penney gift card (thanks, MIL) and hit the mall yesterday. I was able to buy a top in the non-plus-size section! It’s an XL and it’s perfectly comfy. And it’s a lovely cantaloupe color. So I’m happy.

It’s day 2 back in Phase 1. I’m fighting the cravings for sweets, thanks to overindulgence for the last couple of weeks. But if history repeats, I’ll be over them tomorrow. Yay!

I’ve been pretty bad the last few days. My dad and step-mom were in town yesterday, and I had fruit salad (the one with coconut and sour cream and marshmellows) and pastrys.

I’s going to start today with about a week of Induction (Atkins) and at least 20 minutes twice a day of bike riding (stationary bike) and then just be really good. No sweets, really watch the carbs, and load up on veggies. And lots of water! I’ve been slacking off, and I’m convinced that lots of water was key to my weight loss over the summer.


I just did my Monday morning weigh-in, and I’m down to 198! I was 205 about a week and a half ago. I had a cold and wasn’t eating as much, I guess. It’s a great feeling knowing I’ve made this much progress without really trying.

So I guess my numbers are now 205/198/172 (I figured since I’m doing so well, I can be slightly more ambitious).

Best of luck to all of y’all and stay strong!

I ran my 12 miles yesterday in the snow in freezing temps. It wasn’t fun. It went really slowly, so I don’t know if I burned as many calories as I was hoping (though running in the freezing probably didn’t hurt). I ate normally afterward; didn’t load up on too many bad-for-me things. Since I started the long runs over 8 miles, I tend to be down a couple of pounds of water weight on the day after the run so I am wearing a skirt that’s a little looser than normal. If only I could keep this off! Feeling dehydrated so I have to load up on the water today, so it’ll probably all be back tomorrow.

I’m going to start doing pilates on the days I don’t run to help with ab strength and upper body/arm strength. I know I’ll need arm muscles to help me through the marathon. That might also help with those few extra pounds I have.

Thousandth post!

I’m up two pounds but I know I’ve been good abut food and exercise, so I’ll figure it’s temporary. Snowy/slippery today, so I may get an uphill walk whether I like it or not if I can’t get the truck home.

Gym reopened today and I went.

Up 4 pounds since mid December but I am HAPPY. I was expecting much, much worse, and considering how much I pigged out I’ve concluded that I must have a faster metabolism now! Yay for muscle gain!

Did 3 miles on the treadmill, lifted weights and did some tummy crunches. Go me!

I want a treadmill, so I can work out more effectively on those days when Dave’s got the car and I can’t make it to the gym.

Ginger are you sure you want a treadmill? I’ve heard really good things about Leslie Sansone’s “Walking Away The Pounds” videos. They’re cheaper, and take up less space:)

But if you really do want a treadmill, everyone’s having sales geared towards weight-loss this time of year, so this would be the time to buy one.

Ginger, I recently got an exercise bike, the recumbant type, where I sit back rather than leaning forward. (I’d hate a treadmill, but that’s just me.)

The bike is great; I can sit back and read a book while I pedal. We got it used for $50.

We had a recumbent bike at my gym in Yellowknife. I just didn’t warm up to the thing. It seemed all wrong to me.

I’m at day 3 of Phase 1 of South Beach, again. I think I’ve gotten the sugar cravings out of my system. I’ve also managed to lose most of what I regained. I’m sure part of that is due to all the physical labor I did over the long weekend.

Anyway, my next minigoal is to break 200 - perhaps by the end of the month, although next month is more likely. I don’t really have a timeline. I’ll just set attainable minigoals. They’ll lead to my megagoal.

I’m going to call my doctor’s office and see if I can get my bloodwork done before my annual checkup - I’d like her to have all the numbers in front of her when I have my appointment. Maybe this is the year I get off the BP meds… here’s hoping!

norinew can you e-mail me the suggested menus? Thanks.

I’ve been doing the South Beach Diet since June 30. Stats are 174/154/147. I don’t own a scale so I’ve joined Weight Watchers at work so I can weigh in. So I kind of blend the SBD and WW. Really limit (or try to eliminate) all the simple carbs like chips, candy, cookies, etc. and up my intake of veggies. The holidays were baaaaad–last week I finally threw out an entire plate of homemade candy and a container of fudge. Need to start incorporating exercise–I’m sporadic with it. (Also need to quit smoking but that’s a whole 'nother thread!).

I have spent most of the morning taking in clothes. I have workout clothes ranging in size from 24-18, and they’re all too big! Yay! I’ve taken in two pair of pants, and repaired another.

You’re lucky you can sew. Us ‘ignert’ types have to take stuff to the tailor’s. It sure is nice, though, to have stuff taken in.
I take it to my dry cleaners with a teeny-tiny ancient old Chinese woman who does wonderful work. She comments, “You losing lots of weight, yeah? You were so fat and now you look good!”

I also bought several pairs of new pants for Christmas, and am able to fit into some old sweaters I haven’t worn in years.

I was really good today, food-wise. I’ve had plenty of water, and rode my bike for twenty minutes twice already.

I’m not all that great at tailoring, but taking in some spandex and cotton, or making things from scratch is eaaaasy.

Always look in the local ads (Pennysaver, local newspaper, etc.) for exercise equipment. There’s usually somebody selling. But check the prices at the sporting-goods places, so you don’t pay nearly-new prices for used stuff. The last WalMart flyer had an exercise bike for $77, I think it was. I’m thinking that might get me through the winter.

Was moderately bad this past weekend, especially with a hanging-out-with-the-guys, watch-football-and-eat-pizza day in there. (Then the next day, my wife makes cinnamon rolls in the morning. Thanks, babe!) But I’m back down to 174. ISTM that weight that you’ve only just gained, comes off a lot more quickly than weight that’s been there a good while. Which is really handy right after the holidays.