Seattle local/indigenous fast food

Many large metro areas or regions of the country have local fast-food chains which are not found nationwide, but are also more than just 1 or 2 locations.

SoCal has In N’ Out burger (now spread to a couple nearby states), the Midwest has Steak & Shake, etc. St. Louis has Imo’s (insert retching noise here) Pizza.

Is there such a chain local to greater Seattle? I’m mostly interested in fast food, but a clutch of scruffy beer joints or a mom-and-pop diner chain would meet the criteria as well. If such exists, what’s the name, the “cuisine” style, and is it well-known for being pretty good or pretty crappy within its genre? Is there one location that’s really special, like maybe the original one?

Why do I ask? A couple days stuck in SEA alone with a car and a penchant for the crustier side of life.

About the only thing that comes to mind is Dick’s. But a genuine Seattelite (I’m just a crufty Tacoman who has spent far more time in the Bay Area than Seattle during the last decade or so) will doubtless be along forthwith to set the record straight.

Dick’s is pretty darn crusty, and what came to my mind first, but I’m also not a real Seattleite. Go ahead, try Dick’s, and God help you.

Kidd Valley is a burger joint which has a pretty good burger. On the Kitsap Penisula there is The Pancake House–which has a pretty damn good breakfast.

Yeah, Kidd Valley. Try the fried mushrooms. Yum. They also used to staff mostly young, large breasted girls. Again I say Yum.

um Ivars?

fish and chips is their main dish but they have some great food. I highly recomend they Red Chowder. good stuff.

Dicks for the full on 50’s burger joint feel. (they do have amazing fries though, real potatoes turned into fries right there in the kitchen)

Pagli…paglli…ah hell, that pizza place on the corner near the Queen Anne Dicks (pronounced Palliachies anyway) fantastic pizza and they sell it by the slice. also not sure if these guys are more than local.
now that I think about it…the corner of Queen Anne Ave, and Mercer Street have a Kid Valley, Dicks And the pizza place all within 1/2 block.

those are really all I can think of that have multiple locations. if you are in the Downtown area and like spicy bbq you really REALLY need to hit Pecos Pit. its on 1st ave south of Safeco Field kitty corner from the Starbucks headquarters.

And “Spud Fish & Chips” (Alki, Green Lake, Juanita) is a rival. The Alki location is the most scenic.

Also Ezell’s (greasy fried) chicken. Oprah used to like it before she got all healthy.

To answer your question most directly, a common argument between us native Seattlites and SoCalifornians is indeed In N Out vs. Dick’s.

Perfect for Cafe Society. Moved.

samclem GQ moderator

For burgers, in addition to Dick’s and Kidd Valley (Dick’s for the burgers, Kidd Valley for the shakes), there’s Red Mill, which has just two locations but also has really good onion rings.

One more especially crusty one is Wing Dome. I dare you to try the 7 alarm wings.

Not food related, but you should take a ride on the SLUT.

I know it’s not a chain but let me put in another vote for Red Mill. I was especially impressed with their Blue Cheese & Bacon Burger.

As for chains or franchises that started in Seattle, there’s Red Robin and Burgermaster. There’s also Skippers Fish & Chips which (I think) started in Bellevue. Unfortunately, the two that are in my town just closed a few weeks ago which makes me strongly believe the whole franchise is on the verge of going belly up (if it hasn’t already).

Seattle Weekly had an article a few weeks ago about the teriyaki joints that are on every other streetcorner here. I’d say teriyaki is Seattle’s indigenous fast food.

I see Pagliachi pizza was mentioned. For another fantastic specialty pizza chain, try Mad Pizza. I am addicted to their “Smokin Chicken” pizza which is chicken strips, feta cheese, and barbeque sauce. Sounds disgusting but it is heaven.

For the best pho (Vietnamese Noodle) try the Pho Than Brothers chain. Cheap and yummy, with a free cream puff with your bowl!

Oh – it ain’t a chain, but it’s mighty tasty and now endangered: Daly’s Drive-In on Eastlake. Yum.