Seeds - Do you spit or swallow?

I was eating a bunch of Concord grapes last night picked fresh off my Grandmother’s vine. I usually spit out the seeds, but occasionally I would swallow one. This reminded me of two things.

First, as a kid everyone always said “Spit out the watermelon seeds or a watermelon will grow in your stomach”

Second, a few years ago I watched two co-workers argue after one ate an entire apple, core, stem, seeds, everything…and the other jumped all over him for eating the core and seeds, and continued on to the nutritional value of seeds and how people that don’t eat the core and seeds are wasting food.

So, I’m curious…when you’re eating fruit…do you spit out the seeds, or swallow them? Do seeds have any nutritional value?

I usually spit out seeds.

The only exception is watermelon. There is just too many of them to hazzle with spitting them out.

Although my belly looks like I have one growing in it. I don’t believe that is the case.

Small ones, I eat. Grapes, apple, watermelon.

Anything the size of a cherry pit or larger, I’ll spit out.

(I eat the entire apple, core and all.)

Yeah…I tend to swallow the smaller seeds like grape seeds.

Is there any nutritional value to seeds, or is it just preference?

Yeah, what’s up with that? Seedless, indeed. “Seeded” ones are easier because you just have the big black ones that are easy to fire out of your mouth like bullets while seedless have the wimpy white ones that end up getting chewed and swallowed.

It depends. I’ll swallow grape seeds. I’ll eat seedless watermelon, “seeds” and all. I’ll spit out large watermelon seeds, as well as cherry pits.

This thread reminds me of something Curly Howard said. “If at first you don’t succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do suck seed.” :smiley:

There is this information from a quick Google search

What happens when you swallow fruit seeds?


I also spit sunflower seed shells. One of my friends chews them and swallows, I thought that odd.

I have come to a time in my life where the pleasure of eating a fruit with a seed is outweighed by the hassle of dealing with the seed. I now avoid seeded grapes and all cherries entirely. Life is much simpler now.

All of our seedless watermelons are shipped to the USA.